40 minutes later and we arrived at the event, Sergio handed his keys to the valet and then we were on the red carpet. Surprising instead of being nervous I was immensely excited, this was the night I got to show the world that this man was all mine.

The venue was huge, busy and loud. Everyone talked over each other and an uncomfortable buzzing radiated around the round. I held Sergio's hand and walked one step behind him as he walked around the place and talked to people. He seemed to know everyone. He introduced me briefly, but I didn't say much, with all the inside jokes and boyish banter, there wasn't a lot to say anyway.

The dinner was nice. That was the politest thing I could think to say. We were sat on a circular table with a couple of numbers of the team. Sara and Iker were there, with Cristiano and Irina too. There was a guy called Enrique on my right who I didn't know, he was quiet and didn't talk much, although it seemed as if he knew Iker, the only person he would talk too. On Sergio's left, a beautiful woman named Clara. She must have been a model or something. Even though Sergio held my hand tightly under the table all through the night, he barely paid any attention to me.

Instead he spoke to Clara and I got to see the back of his head all night. He barely gave a single look in my direction through the whole meal. I wasn't a jealous person but I was really starting to get pissed off.

The food was amazing, which distracted me a little, at least until every time Sergio would let out his sexy laugh at something Clara said.

"He doesn't know how lucky he is."

"Huh?" I turned my head in the direction of the voice. It was Enrique, the quiet guy.

He gestured to Sergio and Clara, who were too enthralled in conversation to notice. "He has you for company and instead chooses to talk to his ex girlfriend instead. I thought he was wiser than that."

My breath caught in my throat and I almost choked on my spit. Ex-girlfriend. What the fuck.

"I'm gonna... Excuse me?" I mumbled out to excuse myself from the table.

I stood and only then notice that I was still holding Sergio's hand, the sudden motion finally captured his attention and he turned to look at me.

"Where are you going?" He inquired curiously.

"Yeah, um Sergio I'm going to leave." I managed to get out quietly, not wanting to create a scene.

I waved quickly to Irina and Sara and then made a beeline for the exit and I almost made it to the pavement outside before Sergio caught up with me and pulled me to a stop.

"What's wrong?" He looked upset, I probably just embarrassed him in front of Clara or something.

"I'm tired of being ignored and I want to go home." My voice was monotone, I didn't want him to see how upset it got me. "You can go rejoin your ex-girlfriend"

A look of realisation crossed his face suddenly. "Olivia..." He took a step forward to close the distance between us as his car pulled up in front of us and a valet stepped out.

"Let me take you home, please?"

I wanted to say no and punish him for being an ass all night, but I just nodded, I was too exhausted to refuse him.

Once we were parked outside my place, we sat in the car for a while. He reached over to place his hand on mine and I let him, glad of the warmth.

"It's not what you think." He started, but I cut him off.

"So you weren't ignoring me all night so that you could catch up with your ex girlfriend?"

He turned his intense eyes towards me. "She is an ex girlfriend, yes, but from when I was a kid. We were about 18 and it wasn't anything serious, it lasted a few weeks and she has a fiancé now. She's a friend I haven't seen in a while, I just wanted to catch up."

"And so you had to ignore me all night? Imagine if it was the other way around Sergio, and I was talking to an exboyfriend."

The look on his face told me he finally understood. "I'm sorry."

I sighed. "Me too. We shouldn't have left like that."

He caressed my cheek and pulled me forward to place a kiss on my lips.

"Am I forgiven?" He murmered lightly.

I looked at him again and nodded.

"Thank god." He smiled and kissed me again, this time a longer kiss that lingered on my lips long after he pulled away.

"Are you coming in or not?" I asked, gesturing towards my house.

"Hell yeah" He quickly pulled his keys out of the ignition and was out of the car before I could move a muscle.

(Here's the next chapter. So what do you guys think of the Sergio and Pilar pregnancy? I'm not sure what to think.)

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