Chapter 2

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In the car park, I wasn't surprised to find that Sergio drove an obnoxious, flashy sports car. I was surprised however to find that the small car actually had a boot large enough to store my extra large suitcase.

Sergio opened the passenger side door for me, waiting until I had gotten in to shut the door behind me and walk around to his own side. He looked shockingly comfortable and at home in such a small car for such a tall guy.

I waited patiently while Sergio put the keys in the ignition and then fiddled with the air conditioning and the radio. I didn't know how far away my house was exactly, but it seemed like Sergio was putting off the drive.

"Do you like this music?" He asked me when he had settled on a radio station that was playing soft flamenco music.

"Yes this is fine" I didn't know much about flamenco, but this was the type of music my Spanish dad listened to.

"So will you tell me about yourself?" Sergio glanced at me before checking his mirrors and pulling out of the small parking space.

"Me? I'm from England, I'm half Spanish. My father is from Madrid so I can speak Spanish, so I'm teaching English in a school here. Very boring I'm afraid" I knew he probably lived a very extravagant life as a footballer so I felt very ordinary sitting there next to him in his expensive car in my top shop jeans.

"Is your father rich? Your new house is in a very nice area" we were driving along a motorway now, his car was very smooth, almost soothing.

"The house came with the job, I'm teaching at a private school so they must have given me a nice house" I shrugged, a house is just a house to me, I wouldn't have minded living in a small flat really, it made no difference. "How do you know the area?"

"I told you that your house is near mine, same neighbourhood." He turned his head to smile at me as we stopped at some traffic lights.

I smiled back before turning to look out of the window, Madrid was beautiful and the weather was glorious. It wouldn't take me long to get used to this place.

Sergio and I engaged in a polite conversation, we were both a little tentative as we gaged each other's personalities and senses of humour. Sergio was really funny, not in that flirty 'I'm trying to impress you' way, but in a genuine funny that made him more attractive way.

"This is our neighbourhood" Sergio informed me as we entered a neighbourhood of modern, red brick houses.

"You wasn't kidding when you said it was nice huh?" My eyes were a little wide, I hadn't been expecting this much.

He shook his head. "That's my house" He pointed out of the window to a house in the corner of the neighbourhood, it was probably one if not the nicest house. It had a large garden and a garage to fit about four cars in, but still for a man of his wage, it was probably modest.

We carried on driving a little longer and he pulled up outside the house that I supposed was mine.

"Wow it's too big, I'm gonna be lonely here" I said as I peered out of the car window at the house.

"You'll live alone?" Sergio asked, looking at me curiously.

"Yeah. Just me" Sergio nodded, hiding a smile slightly.

He was acting odd again, so I climbed out of his car and made my way to the boot. I had to wait for Sergio because I couldn't open the boot nor lift the heavy suitcase.

He prised my case out and walked me to the door. I pulled my new keys out of my bag and unlocked the door before turning to him and taking the handle of my suitcase.

"I'd invite you in, but you know, I have a lot of unpacking to do"

"That's ok, I don't want to come in anyway" he lied, his infectious smile was back making me grin myself.

"Thanks for helping me Sergio, you're a life saver" I hugged him as awkwardly as you would expect to hug a stranger.

"It's ok. You know where I live if you need help unpacking or you need to borrow sugar or whatever." He kissed my cheek before waking back down my porch steps.

"Hey Ramos, one last thing" he stopped again and faced me. "Are you single?"

He chuckled "Yes Olivia Luiz I'm single, and I wrote my number on that bit of paper with your address on"

He got back in his car with a smile on his face that probably looked very much like the coy smile on my own face. So. A single Sergio? Maybe things could be interesting around here after all.

Fight For This Love (Sergio Ramos)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt