"They are foolish! I don't care about that!" I frowned.

"You...Sono are very different." He walks closer to me. I felt nervous. Will he hug me?

"Tomo...I love you the way you are. I don't care if you are gay. In a way I guess we both are right?"

He shakes his head. "I'm not gay. I know I am not..."

"But you just told me...the guy..?"

His eyes looks down. He didn't say anything.

"Tomo if you are bi sexual, that is fine with me too."

"Ah..." He slowly unbuttons his shirt. My eyes widened, and my face got red. I saw bindings on his chest. I didn't know what to make of it.

"What is this?" I asked.

"I am in transition to become a woman. I never felt like I was a man. That's why I get so frustrated when my parents want me to do manly sports. That's why I never want to get intimate with anyone. That's why I stare at feminine things when we go shopping. My body is changing a little bit everyday. I feel myself getting smaller, and developing a bit more everyday. I'm happy, but scared when I can't hide these changes." His eyes seemed to be in distress.

"This is a lot to take in right now..." I didn't know what to make of this. 

"You can just break it off with me. Most of the girls break up with me after I tell them anyway. I never break up with them."

None of the girls ever broke up with Tomo? I always thought that he broke up with them. He really does keep everything under wraps.

"I won't break up with you." I said.

He looked at me in surprise. "Really? But why? I'm transgendered. I am not ever going to be a real woman."

"You are a real woman by wanting to be one. I always wanted a girlfriend anyway. Doesn't it work out for both of us?" I said calmly hoping not to hit any nerves.

His eyes glistened with tears. I had never seen Tomo in such a vulnerable state. "Sono..I never imagine someone saying this..."

"You're silly. I won't let a change affect the way I feel. You are still you, and even if you stayed a guy, I would accept it. You make me happy. Not the object between your legs."

Tomo cried. He covered his face, and wipes away the tears. I wanted to do it for him, but I knew he didn't like being touched.

"Sono, I really like you. I really do. You really don't judge me." He looks at me with sincerity, and hope. It warmed my heart.

He steps closer, and hugs me. It felt unreal. My head rested on his chest since he was much taller. I could smell his fragrance. It smelled masculine as expected. I wrapped my arms around him, and pulled him close. It felt nice being embraced by him. My heart was beating quickly. Even a guy like me can be lucky.

He pulls away slightly, and lifts my chin. His lips brushed against mine, and I felt his lips resting on mine. It felt out of this world. My eyes were shot opened in well...shock!

He backs off after a second, and blushes. "Sorry, I always wanted to kiss the person that wouldn't break up with me." He buttons up his shirt.

"I..oh..my." I touched my lips, and blushed. Tomo is more of a man than I will ever be.

"I know you have questions Sono." He smiles. "I will be happy to answer."

"Do you really want to be with me?" I asked nervously.

"I do. I think you're adorable, and really kind." He looks away blushing.

"How will you adapt to this change Tomo?" I went out to touch his hand.

"I can still maintain my voice to keep my...change hidden. Sooner or later I can't. I know my body is getting smaller by the day. I don't want people thinking I'm sick."

"You've got to tell them."

His eyes frowned. "Tell them?"

"Yes." I nodded. "You can't hide such a big secret."

He nods. "Okay."


It was awkward sitting across from his parents yet again.

"Mom, dad..I have news." Tomo said nervously.

"What is it?" His father said with a stern look.

"I am transgendered. This is my boyfriend Sono." I couldn't believe those words slipped from his lips.

His parents didn't look happy. "W-what?! But my son!" His mother cries.

"I'm sorry. I will always be your son, but I am not happy in this body. I don't feel excited to have a girlfriend. I don't like sports. I always wanted to play dress up, and cooking games as a child, but you wouldn't let me. I'm tired..." His eyes got watery.

"Real men don't cry!" His father snaps.

"I'm not a real man dad!" Tomo snaps back. "I hate being a man. I don't feel like me. I want to wake up one day feeling like me! You will never understand!"

"Get out!" His father roars.

"Fine!" Tomo grabbed my hand, and we left the house.

We ran down the street to the park. I couldn't help, but watch the scene unfold. I thought his parents would be accepting, but I guess this isn't a movie or a fairy tale. This is reality.

"Tomo, I am so sorry..."

He turns around with a smile. "What for? I am happy. It gives me an excuse to finally move out, and live my life. I hate being in that household. I hate being trapped."

"Are you sure?"

"I am. I already have an apartment I've been eyeing for quite some time. My friends are also willing to help me in my time of need."

"I'll help you too." I planted my hand on his. "All the way."

"Sono...thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me. I'm strong enough to not care what my parents think. Now I have you. You are my new family. Please don't leave me..." He takes my hand tightly. "I know this sounds so clingy, but I've never had anyone to love naturally. I just want someone badly. Someone to get me, and you happen to."

"No no! I am happy you are clingy. I've always dreamed of having someone needing me so much. It's heartwarming, and pleasant for a guy like me." I smiled.

"I'm glad." He smiles.

"After high school we should move away from this town."

His eyes sparked. "Really?!"

"Yes. Start a new beginning. I think we both need it. I don't want you to hide your true self."

"Sono...you are right." He smiles warmly.

"Would you like to stay the night?" I asked happily. I hadn't been this happy since my birthday. It was unbelievable.

"Yes!" He takes my hands. "I'm really happy. You have no idea."

"Me too."


We laid in bed admiring the sky. My window was just big enough for our eyes to meet with the sky. It was dark. I had so many passing thoughts. Is Tomo happy? Is he going to be okay? Will he confront me on what happens next?

"Tomo, it is day ten." I whispered.

"No, it is technically day eleven." He points to the clock which was standing at midnight.

"What do you want to do now?" I asked.

"Continue these blissful days. I really just wanted to find a person who would take me as I am."

"I think you'd make a beautiful woman." I blushed.

Before I knew it, Tomo hovered over me. He places his lips on mine. "Your woman..."


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