『Day Eight』

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Day Eight

I dressed up nicely. I wanted to leave a good impression even though I am only going to be presented as his friend. I wonder what kind of parents Tomohisa has. I bet they are really nice like him. I bet they are beautiful people too. It makes me nervous.

I remembered Tomohisa's address so I decided to take a train there. I hope I don't sweat, and make myself look displeasing later.

I bet it would be wonderful if the world was more accepting of same sex love. I bet it would be wonderful to be introduced as Tomohisa's boyfriend....permanently. I sound so dorky.

I grabbed my wallet, and keys. Time to make a good impression. I stepped outside, and went to the train station.


The train ride was peaceful. There wasn't many people on there today so I had a seat all to myself. I walked along the sidewalk, and took out a small portable mirror. I know it sounded girly to have one, but it was designed to look like Mega Man's head, and I was a die hard Mega Man fan.

I checked my hair, and forehead to make sure I wasn't drenched in my own sweat from being too nervous. Luckily I still looked decent enough.

I slowly walked up to the porch. My heart was thumping out of my chest. This is it. I rung the doorbell, and bit down on my lip.

The door slowly opened, and I was greeted by Tomohisa. He smiles slightly. "Hey, come on in." I stepped in, and released my shoes on the shoe rack. He leads me to the dining room, and I saw two other figures sitting. I assumed it was his parents.

They both looked at me, and smiled. They seemed pretty nice by the looks of them, but I knew it's more that meets the eye.

His mother had the traditional black hair which was curled into a nicely done bob, and his father had slicked back silver black hair. They looked pretty well kept, and professional in the way their mannerisms seem to present.

"You must be Tomohisa's friend Sono." His mother gets up to greet me, and we shook hands. She had very sweet smelling perfume on. Wow.

I shook her hand, and smiled. I was nervous. I prayed to god that my hand won't sweat.

"Yes, nice to meet you. What shall I call you?" I didn't know what to do. I never really called Tomo with his last name.

"Just call me Aiko. No need to be too formal." She smiles. She seems really sweet. I should try to lessen my tension around her.

"Nice to meet you." His father also gets up, and comes to shake my hand. I felt more tensed around him. He looked quite strict, and didn't smile a lot.

"Nice to meet you too." I shook his hand.

"Just call me Jun." He produced a small smirk.

I nodded. They lead me to a seat, and I sat down. There was food made already. It was just sandwiches, salads, and some fruit. Pretty basic stuff.

"Take anything you wish." Aiko suggested. I didn't want to seem greedy so I only took minimal portions. I noticed Tomo looking at me as if I'm crazy.

We all sat at the table. His parents would ask the typical stuff. Example like what I want to major in, my family life, and how me and Tomo became friends.

"You should play basketball with Tomo, or maybe even join a judo club." Jun suggested. I noticed Tomo looking annoyed by the suggestion.

"You guys would have so much fun." Aiko claps. Tomo needs more athletic friends. I always wanted him to join boxing, but he refuses."

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