Trust Fall:

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                         Me:*snores loudly.*

                         Eagle: Wakeupwakeupwakeupwakeupwakeup...

                         Me: What?

                         Eagle: We have a dare from @halfmoonthewarrior.

                          Me: And?

                          Eagle: We need to do a trust fall.  Everyone does.

                           Me: *Gets Rexy, the Indominus, and the raptors.*

                           Rexy: Who will fall? 

                            Me: I will, even though I only trust Owen and Claire not to eat me.

                            *Teams: Owen and Claire, Blue and Rexy, Pirate and Eagle, Echo and Charlie, Delta and the Indominus, and Mega with Brightheart.*

                             Me: *Falls down and lands on Rexy's head.* Owwwww...

                             Eagle: How did you land on Rexy's head and miss the first team?

                             Me: I might have jumped... Anyway, NO MORE TRUST FALLS!  YAY!

                             Charlie: ME NEXT!

                              Me: Oh god...

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