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Patrick P.O.V.

Pete looked at me, slightly astonished. I felt blush creep up my cheeks.

"I knew you had a thing for Zoe!" He said through a grin. 

I chuckled a bit. "Yeah, but what do I do? I know she wouldn't feel the same..."

Pete placed his hand on my shoulder comfortingly, then pulled me into a hug. (No Peterick please!)

"Patrick, I saw the way Zoe looked at you." He said after he let out of the hug. "It wasn't just your appearance she liked. She liked you for you."

"Thanks, Pete. You always know how to make me feel better. But how should I get her to hang out with me again?"

Pete lightly laughed. "Dude, just shoot her a text, ask to go get coffee together or something."

"Okay... I think I'll try that..." I said doubtfully.

Zoe's P.O.V.

I put down my book and closed my eyes, feeling tired, but then I heard my phone go off. 'Probably just Natalie.' I think, going to grab my phone. I glanced at the screen, seeing a text from...Patrick?

Patrick: Hey Zoe... I was wondering if maybe you'd be up for coffee tomorrow?

I couldn't stop the grin from forming on my face. I started typing out the reply, my thumbs hesitating over send. I took a deep breath, and finally pressed it.

Me: Hey, that sounds great. What time?

Patrick: Is three o'clock okay with you?

Me: That works for me!

Patrick: Great! I look forward to seeing you again! I think I'm going to head to bed... See you tomorrow. :)

Me: Me too! Okay, talk to you soon! :D

After I sent the last text, I squealed softly. "YES!" I shouted, punching the air.

I quickly texted Natalie.


A few seconds comes later, she replied.


I put my phone down and leaned back, smiling.
He actually wants to hang out more... Wow, Patrick Stump wants to hang out with me...
I close my eyes and drift off to sleep, thinking of Patrick.

Patrick P.O.V.

I let out a sigh of relief.
"YES!!" I whispered loudly.
Pete, who was sitting next to me when I was texting Zoe, congratulated me.
"I knew you could do it!" He said before climbing into his bunk. (They're on the tour bus btw.It was the last night of the tour.)
I got into my own bunk and pulled up the covers.
I'm so happy... I can't wait to see her again.
'She's so beautiful...' is my last thought before drifting off to sleep.

Hey guys! Sorry it was so short but I loved it!!! Its so sweet! My best friend Cory helped me write this because I had no ideas...
Anyway thanks for so many reads on this story and my other one!! Love you all!


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