Meeting Fall Out Boy

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Love this video soooooo much! Anyways, here's the next chapter! Enjoy!

Zoe P.o.v

"Hey," Pete said. Natalie handed her 'American Beauty/American Psycho' album to him. He signed it and passed it to Andy.
"H-hi," I stuttered, directly looking into Patrick's eyes. "I-i can't believe it's really you! I-ive been dreaming of meeting you for y-years!"
Natalie smiled. "She's been talking about you guys non stop for the past two months!" She laughed. "She has all your albums and every one of your songs on her phone and she talks about how you're the most important people in her life and-"
"Shut the f*ck up!" I started."Why would you even tell them that?"
She looked at her newly signed-by-FOB-album. "So I can show them how big of a fan you are!"
Pete smiled and Patrick chuckled cutely.
I handed Patrick my 'Save Rock and Roll' album and watched him sign it.
"Its fine," he said, smiling and handing the CD to Pete, then looking up go meet my eyes. "It really means a lot that you care so much."
I blushed slightly and turned to Natalie, giving her a "patrick-stump-just-talked-to-me-and-im-freaking-out" face.
"Yeah," Pete spoke up. "Usually fans just want to meet us because they have really big crushes on us."
I looked down. "They don't appreciate your true talent..."
"No, not really," Joe said, handing me my autographed album. "But at least there's fans like you who actually care."
That's the moment when I looked closely at each one of them. They've been through a lot, not just today, but everyday.
"I'm so sorry, guys" I started. "You should be appreciated more. Especially Andy and Joe!"
Patrick sighed. "Both me and Pete really want Joe and Andy to have more attention, but you know..."
"Well, it is what it is,"Andy finally spoke. "But thanks."
"Yeah," Pete agreed. "It feels really good to have fans like you guys."
I noticed Patrick staring at me, but I just let it go. I turned to him.
"You know, I'm the winner of the sweepstakes, so I guess I'll see you guys later?"
Patrick grinned. "Yeah! Can't wait to get to know you."
I nodded and looked down, feeling hot. (I promise all this blushy stuff will be over soon ik its annoying)
"Hey!" The girl behind us whispered loudly. "We want to meet Fall Out Boy too!"
I glared at her and turned back to the band. "Bye, guys!"
"Bye!" Pete exclaimed as we walked out of line.
Natalie looked at me with a smirk smile.
"What?" I asked finally, walking towards the next line where we would take pictures with FOB. "Patrick's totally into you!" She squealed softly.
My eyes widened. "What? no,no no no no, no, he isn't! Why would you even think that? Besides, he's the best singer ever! I'm sure he has a girlfriend..."

"We're up next!" Natalie softly exclaimed. We were next in line for the photos. Most people made up cool, over the top poses to do with FOB, but we decided to let them choose-it is their concert after all. After the photos comes the concert,then after the concert, the real meeting. I couldn't hold in my excitement.
"Next!" The photographer shouted.
"Hey, Zoe!" Patrick waved.
I walked up beside him.
"Hey! Can't wait for the concert!" I told him. Then I looked at all the members."You guys are going to be great!"
"Thanks!" Pete said.
"Yeah. We really need the support," Joe informed us.
"So what do you wanna do for the photo?" Patrick asked us.
"We decided to let you pick.." Natalie trailed off, embarrassed she couldn't think of any cool ideas. The guys looked surprised. I couldn't blame do think long and hard about a specific pose.
"Hmmmm......" Patrick trailed off.
"Group hug!" He finally shouted. Patrick wrapped me in a hug as the others, and Natalie, gathered around us. Blushing, I returned it, loving every moment. We all looked at the camera and smiled.
After the pictures, we headed into the concert hall. This was going to be a pretty good night.


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