wait!!! why here!!!!

Începe de la început

I watched as she twirled and danced around the pole. The dips, and twists making her look majestic, and delicate, yet savage and cruel. As I look closer, I see that her back and upper arms are covered in scars. There was one heart shaped scar on the front of her hip. I could also see the hint of a scar under her eyepatch.

She continued on with the dance, beads of sweat dripping off of her. I almost lost it when she went upside down, with her legs wrapping around the pole. She got off the pole and walked around the front of the stage.

Men were putting money in her top, and the sides of her bikini. I quickly tuck a hundred under her bikini, and run out of the Club. I was not about to give in to my hormones.

I speed home, as fast as possible. Seeking into my room I nearly jump out of my skin when I hear a voice.

"Why hello, young master. May I ask why you followed me?" Sebastian asks with a smile on his face. Not a 'don't worry your OK' smile, I mean a 'you are so fucked' smile.

I gulp and speak in a, what I hope is, confident voice. "Because for the past few months you have refused to tell me where you were going, so I took matters into my own hands. Now would you please explain to me who Clair, is?"

Sebastian sighed before answering. "Clair is my past mistress. I go there every night, to protect her from the creeps that try to get her. That is all, young master."

I huff, and get back into bed. "Whatever, it doesn't matter anymore. You should have just told me where you had been going. It would have saved both of us a lot of trouble. Goodnight Sebastian."

I see Sebastian smile, and give a slight bow." Goodnight, young master." He turns out the light and walks out of the room.

I sigh, playing my eyepatch on my bedside table, and close my eyes, thinking of a certain exotic dancer.

Clair's POV

I rub my eyes as I walk into my brother and I's apartment.

"You didn't quit like I asked." My brother, Bill states as I walk in to the small living room.

"Of course not. It pays the bills, keeps a roof over our head, food on our panel, and clothes on our backs. I'm not gonna quit." I state, ploping down beside Bill.

He studies me for a unite before speaking. "You met someone didn't you?" He asks. I swear, he can read minds sometimes.

"So what? It was just some ass of a rich prick, who thought he owned the world. Nothing special." I say, and yawn.

Bill sighs before speaking." Let's just go to bed, you stubborn brat" he says. We walk into the one makeshift bedroom / closet, and lay down on the mattress. I cuddle into Bill, and he pulls the blanket over us.

~le time skip~

Clair's POV

I wake up, and walk into the small bathroom. I turn on the water, and wait for it to warm up. Bill comes into the room in nothing but pajama bottoms, holding both of our sets of school cloths.

We both hop in the bath. I know what your thinking, 'aren't you two too old to be taking showers together? Your teenagers!!!' This is true, but we don't have enough hot water for two separate showers.

Bill smiles a derpy smile, then pulls out the bath stool. "Sit down, I'll was your hair, and give you a massage. You've been really stressed lately."

I let out a small smile and take a seat on the stool. He takes our strawberry scented shampoo and washes my hair, gently massaging my scalp. He continues with body wash, scrubbing and massaging my back, and sides.

He rinses both of us off, before turning the water to almost scalding hot. I let out a small noise of pleasure, as Bill runs the hot water over my shoulders.

After the shower, we get out and dry off. Bill must be feeling very clingy, because he insisted on drying my hair.

"Come on. Let me style your hair too, it's not fair if I just let you do all the work." He pouts, when I deny him from styling my hair.

"Bill, I'm not two years old. I can fix my own hair" I chuckle as he pouts. He puffs out his bottom lip and gives me the puppy dog eyes. I let out a small laugh, but hand him my hair brush nonetheless.

He smiles from ear to ear, and gets set on destroying the tangles in my hair.

Bill brushes my hair before braiding it, the braid reaching my mid back. I smile, and put on my eyepatch. Hopping off the counter, I plop down next to the door, pulling on my combat boots.

Bill plops down next to me, and pulls on his sneakers. Throwing our school jackets, we head out the door. It's a half hour walk to our school, and it's hell walking in the school uniform. Bill and I chatter mindlessly until we get to the school. I groan as I see a certain rich prick.

Ceil's POV

"It's time to get up, young master." I hear a clam voice say.

"I DON'T WANNA!!" I yell at the calm Butler.

"But young master, if you don't get going you won't be able to find miss Clair." I groaned. I could hear the smirk in his voice.

I rolled out of bed, and Sebastian hands me my uniform, and I get dressed.

I let Sebastian fix my hair, and my eyepatch. Walking outside, I climb into my limo, to go to school. After about 10 minutes, we pull up upfront of the gates.

I climb out, and see my normal group of people walking towards me. But all that slips my mind, as I see a certain blond haired girl, standing by the school gates.

Black Butler School!!!! Ciel X ClairUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum