18. My First Lie...Sort Of

Start from the beginning

"Times up! Please pass your quizzes forward. These grades will be put in by the end of the day. If you have any questions, you may come see me after school," my math teacher said as she collected every quiz right as the bell rang.

I packed up all of my stuff and stood in front of Chase's desk. "Hey, thanks for," I waved my hand in the air, "you know."

He nodded. "Would you like to go out with me some time?" He offered.

Well, this was awkward. I shuffled uncomfortably and was about to say that I was currently going out with a guy when someone else spoke before I got the chance.

"No, she wouldn't. Ronnie here, is in love with me."

I elbowed Elijah's chest as I shoved him away. Bianca and Christi were undoubtedly waiting for him outside the classroom, so I said, "Bitchy Bianca and her fake friend are waiting for you. Maybe you should go entertain them in the same way you do with every girl."

Like seriously. He was dating Mae, yet he let Bianca roam her body all over his. It was disgusting. Mae deserved better than him.

Then I turned to Chase without giving Elijah a chance to say something back. I said, "I'm sorry, Chase, but I'm dating someone already."

Chase looked up at Elijah who smirked. I waved my hands around, saying, "No no no. He's not the one I'm dating. I'm going out with Uriah Reed, his brother."

Chase nodded in recognition. "Oh."

I checked the clock above his head which showed that I had one minute to get to my next class now. "I'm gonna head to my next class so I'm not marked tardy," I used as an excuse to get out of there. Truth was, I didn't care if I was late; I just wanted to get the hell out of there. So I did.

"What's taking Elijah so long?" Bianca whined when I stepped out into the hallway. Christi pouted and huffed a breath of annoyance.

I was seconds away from spitting something out that I'd regret when I walked right into someone. I stepped back, rubbed the back of my neck, and said, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Veronica," the guy chuckled. I lifted my eyes to his brown ones and smiled shyly when I realized who it was.

Uriah's dimples surfaced when he grinned down at me. "How was the concert last night?" He asked just as the bell for the next class rang. He didn't make a move to go to his next period, so I didn't either. We were alone in the hallway.

"It was amazing! Pierce the Veil is just...I have no words," I said, clasping my hands together. That was around the time I realized I looked like a hot mess right in front of Uriah. I covered my face with my hands and begged, "Uriah, don't look at me! I didn't get much sleep last night so I look really ugly."

He gently lowered my hands from my face and held onto them while he placed his forehead against mine, smiling down at me. I stared into his eyes as he pressed a kiss on my nose, making me blush.

"You don't know how beautiful you are, Veronica," he whispered. I smoothed down my hair and was about to thank him when he pressed his lips on mine. I froze for a second as I imagined kissing his brother.

What was wrong with me? I had a great boyfriend who treated me like a princess, yet I was fantasizing about kissing his evil brother.

I quickly recovered and kissed Uriah back passionately. We broke away and Uriah hitched a thumb over his shoulder. "I better get to class," he said.

I giggled and nodded, saying that I did, too. We headed our separate ways as a hundred confusing thoughts ran through my mind.


I was one of the first ones in the cafeteria for lunch so I wasn't surprised to find my table empty. I sat down, opened my lunch, and bit down on an apple when a body filled the seat across from mine. I rolled my eyes.

"You don't have to sit here. Mae didn't come to school today," I said pointedly as I took another bite of my apple.

Elijah opened a bag of chips, completely ignoring what I just said as he continued to munch on the Doritos. I started to stand up with my half eaten lunch when Elijah grabbed my wrist and said, "Wait, I thought you'd be lonely."

I gave him an incredulous look since I couldn't possibly be lonely when Uriah was sitting with me and asked, "And why would you think that?"         

He flicked his head at a table across the room and I gaped.

Uriah was sitting at the popular table with Christi and Bianca even though he had told me he hated sitting there. I clenched the apple tightly in my fist and ground out, "Why is he sitting there?"

Elijah shrugged. "Something about Christi needing a date to prom..." He said, suggestively raising an eyebrow.

"What the hell? Why?"

"I mean, look at you and then look at Christi. You're dorky, she's sexy. You're skinny, she's curvy. You're nerdy, she's popular."

I slammed my hand down on the table and said, "I get the point, okay?" I sighed, sitting back down across from Elijah. "I knew Uriah would come around and realize that I was a nobody," I said, dropping my head in my hands.

I should've been mad, but I wasn't. At the back of my mind, I knew this would eventually happen. Elijah spoke again.

"Then, compare me with Uriah. I'm a jerk, he's not. I'm hot, he's not-"

"Come on, Elijah. You know that's not true-"

"I'm a liar, he's not."

I raised an eyebrow and twirled my finger in the air, pointing at him. "So was all of what you just said a lie?" He nodded. "Even about the part where you called me a skinny, dorky nerd?" I clarified.

He nodded again.

"Eli...you better not be making fun of me in some sick, twisted way of yours because I swear I'll-"

"You'll do what, Ronnie?" He interrupted me.

"See this apple?" I asked, pointing at my apple. He nodded and I continued, "I think it'd look better on your face."

"What if I told you I didn't actually think you were a skinny, dorky nerd?" He replied.

I scratched my head and said, "I honestly don't know what I'd think since you'd never say anything like that to me."

Elijah suddenly rested his elbows on the table and leaned forward so his nose was just inches from mine. "Ronnie, I think you're beautiful, funny, cute, and I like you."

Wait, what! My heart fluttered at his words.

My face turned bright red and I sputtered, "N-No you don't."

"Yes I do."


Whaaat. Elijah just admitted his feelings to Veronica....what do you think about it?

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