Why not!!??

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I want to go hang out with my only friend I have, his name is jace he is the same age as me,16.
He texted me because he back at his moms that lives in town and wants to hang out with me.just to be clear his parents are divorced but are still really great friends just aren't together anymore because his dad's job is all around the world so he never gets to see his family anymore.
Anyways jace is the only friend I have and he is the only one who knows everything about me and how I feel, unfortunately I haven't seen him for 2 years because he has been with his dad. Thank god he's back, I've missed him sooooo much! And yes I know you are probably thinking oooooo she likes him! Well no I don't I like him as a best friend and that's it. But I can tell you he is really nice and really funny. Also he is really cute, he likes to wear black jeans and jackets, he likes his shoes that are vans, he has black hair and likes to jell it. And yes he is single and so am I but we know we are just really great friends and that's all!
Anyways so I asked if I could go meat jace at the park a couple of blocks away from my house. I said to Shannon (my god mother) "Shannon can I go to the park a couple of blocks away to go see my friend" she said "accuse me?" "Did you call me Shannon?" In a snottiness way. "Umm.... Yeah?" I said in a soft voice."1-no 2-don't call me Shannon you can call me mom and 3-get out of my face!" She said yelling at me. I was shocked and speechless because I will not call her mom cause she's not my mom, and because the ways she said it so what did I do I fraught back I'm not gonna let her tell me off! "Umm no, accuse me! I asked you nicely and you  respond like a jerk and I will not call you mom cause I got a mom that is better than you in any way!" I yelled. As I was at the bottom of the stairs Shannon was sitting at the kitchen table and grabbed a wooden spoon and stood up holding it with a mad expression on her face,all I could think was the wooden spoon. Oh that spoon and I had quite a history! Shannon said in a mad voice holding the spoon up "I told you to get out of my face I want you out of my face into your room right now or else....." So I had enough she wanted me out of her face so I got out of her face, I ran upstairs grabbed a bag and packed all the things I would need and snuck out of my window and went to jace.  

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