
Little did I know that that night would be the destruction of me. That very night I would break into a million pieces that I would never be able to put back together ever again. After that night, I would never be the same girl. My life was determined back then. I will never forget what happened.

I had made my hair into beautiful curls, falling gracefully around my shoulders and up to my chest. The red lipstick that I had on, made the black midi lace dress that I had chosen stand out. My toes were hurting a little from the black heeled sandals I had been wearing, but I didn't care. I was looking anxiously at the entrance of the large room as more and more people kept coming through the doors.

I had invited Max. Nevertheless, I knew that he wouldn't come, but I felt that I was beating a dead horse. Time passed without him coming. I drank several glasses of champagne and I felt my head spin slightly. I had completely forgotten the names of the dozens of people I met that evening. Hopefully I could forget Max's absence too.

"He's not coming." I almost dropped my glass when I heard his voice. I turned to talk to him, taking in his heavy cologne and dashing appearance.

A white shirt was embracing tightly his toned torso, his tattoos were visible from his rolled up sleeves. His tie was hanging loosely. I bit my lip unconsciously, but quickly shook my dark thoughts away.

"Who?" I decided to play dumb.

A breathy laugh left his lips as he took a sip from his glass. "Who else?" he raised an eyebrow playfully at me. "Your Max-boy." his sarcastic tone was evident.

I bit the inside of my cheek in frustration. "Oh... Max!" I continued playing my role, as I smiled at him, pressing my fingers at my forehead as if I had just realized who he was referring to. "He's not coming. Something came up with his work and he couldn't make it." I lied, trying not to make myself a fool.

Louis' smile faded. In a shift move, he appeared in front of me. The distance between us was petty. His chest was almost touching mine. My breath caught in my throat from our proximity. I felt I slight urge to push him harshly away from me, but something deep inside me was stopping me from doing so. My eyes travelled to his face, noticing small wrinkles that had formed around his icy blue eyes. I had never seen them before. I almost raised my hand to touch the skin there and caress it softly.

"I don't think any business is more important than the person you love. That man made the most terrible mistake leaving you here alone. I would never do that." his voice was barely above a whisper and each and every word came out sweet as honey. His breath was saturated with alcohol and was coolly fanning over my face.

I closed my eyes for a second, devouring these moments of our bodies touching and our scents mixing together. Without realizing, I recalled the moments we two were making love. Our sweaty bodies sliding into each other, the sound of our raged breathing and flesh touching flesh into the air.

But all that warmth and joy disappeared, before I could even open my eyes. He stepped back casually and strode over to talk with some people that had motioned him to go.

Paralyzed, I balanced myself to the table I was standing next to, trying to clear my head. 'He would never leave me alone', he said, but he already had done that once, and he was going to do it again.


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