Letter to somebody you wished you still talked to.

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My dearest Oliva,

I miss you so much it hurts. I haven't seen you in what is it like 2 years?

I remember when Mr. Smith always yelled at us in 1st grade becazsue we talked to much..... Mz. Webster in 2nd grade called you me and Anna the three Musketteers. That we would never EVER be seperated from each other lives. When Alessia came along and took Anna and made her fall for Travis. That's what killed us the most.

I remeber when your parent "took a break" from each other in 3rd grade. The year you left Rivegate. WHen I got you to take Meds. When you pulled my hair because I "stole" the piano. I remeber I held that family togethter. Your parents got back togethter in the middle of the year because I convinced them for the love of their childern. 

You all lived happily. For a month. Then the anger and abuse came. You used to brake things and right on your walls that you hate your family and your life. The night your dad threw you down the 20 stepped stairs with me running down to catch you and kicking him in the shin on the way down. :/ When they called the Cops on you. When you started taking Anger pills because of the night you lost WAY to much blood and we took you to the hospital. 

Our plan to fly to Hawaii and live there forever and ever. Whe nyou moved. WHen I didn't see you for a year and missed you like crazy. I still miss you and it has been 2 years. You were one of my first bestfriends and always be one. I love you so much no matter what happens.

I saw for the first time 2 weeks ago. You have become a beautiful teenager, your hair still the same poofy curl as it has always been, wearing your favorite sweater still. And eating Subway and teh mall like old times. The only awkward part was that I was with my best friend Sydney.

You will never be less important to me then you were when we were closer. 

I miss you,


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