Chapter 2

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 I was sixteen when, my wolf Winter. Went and searched for are Mate, never finding her. We realized that she hasn't come of age yet. So we waited and waited. My family has been talking about the abduction of us wolves for years. A human maniac has paired with a power hungry wolf. To abduct UN-mated males and use them for something.

 It was a nice spring morning, the birds were chirping, the flowers were blowing in the wind, spreading seeds and their beautiful smell. Then the woods went quiet, we perked are ear listening for the sounds of the intruder. I heard a crunch of a foot, then a firing of a gun. Looking down at our coat I see a knock out dart. I tried to run, but the drug kicked in, and I was sluggish. Slumping to the ground we think of our family and the Mate we probably will never have. Then complete darkness.


 I wake up in a cage filled with other Male wolves. In the cages we were in, are color coordinated. All the white wolves are in one, all the brown in another, I was in the cage with the black wolves. People would think that's weird a wolf named winter, should be white not black. But it's true, Mom and Dad named their kids after a season, and all the other names where picked besides Winter. So I am now a Winter. 

 As the days go bye, Winter searches for our Mate, and I was put to work. Being the only son of a powerful Alpha, I was pretty big and strong. So I was put to work on lifting and building. The other wolves, they were the ones who got experimented on. Some came back, some were just never seen again.

 I turned seventeen, we grew stronger, leaner, and more empty. I sat and watched as the wolves I had spent an entire year, die and be replaced by new. Every night I would howl a mournful tune for a straight hour. Then I would pass out in extreme exhaustion. I have lost the count of days and nights, being holed up in some sort of cave can do that to a wolf. 

 Walking back to the cage I slump down on the cage and that's when Winter came and talked to me.

 " Ryder man! I came across our Mate today. She sure is a beauty, but i ran off before she could come and try to make a connection. I think that we shouldn't let her know the kind of pain and suffering that we are going through."

" You are right my friend. We shouldn't let her know. I don't supposed you could tell me what she looks like?"

" I can tell you about the wolf, but not the woman."

" That is fine with me."

" She has a gloriously shiny coat of chocolate, and blazing yellow eyes. She is such a babe." 

" Don't talk like that. You know what I have totally forgotten how I look."

" Strange me too. Next time we are ever near a mirror we should look."

"Okay, yeah we should have a good night Winter."

" You too, Ryder. You too."


 I wake to a mournful howl, looking to my right I notice Daniel/Stan. Howling over a corpse. I get a good look at the body and I see it was his little brother Hunter/ Brian is dead. He was one of the experiments, I walk as close as I can to him and I sat down. Throwing my head back also, I join in on the howling. Pretty soon the whole cave was howling for the loss of a brother.

 A gun shot went off, we all quieted down. The traitorous wolf, and raven black wolf, with ruby red eyes. Only the evilest of wolves have red eyes. He went to the body of Hunter and set him aflame. Yipping in surprise and fear all the wolves back away. All the wolves but Daniel and I. We sat and stared, each of us saying a prayer for his spirit to find Peace and happiness.

 After the excitement died down we were sent to work again. As I was working Winter came back and told me he has escaped from our Mate a sixth time. But he came with bad news. 

" Ryder are Mate, she got close enough to get are Name and scent. I am worried what if she comes and looks for us." 

 I have never heard him sound scared before until now. Hopefully we will have a smart Mate and she wont go off the hook, and come look for us.

" Don't worry, she probably wont even come and look." 

"You might think so, but you wern't there. When she got close I got her name and she plans on coming to search for us on their eighteenth birthday."

" Oh! No! she can't they might kill her or do something worse. But seeing how she wont find the place we should be good, Right?"

" Maybe, just Maybe."

 Before i can ask what he meant by that he leaves, me alone to run in the forest. I would give almost anything to be the wolf and him be the human.

 I run through the woods, looking for Summer. I told Ryder  I ran off every time. But he didn't know that the last time, she caught me and made me explain. Why I run. So I told her some of it. enough to hopefully get rid of the curiosity. But not to much to give her any indication of where I am at. She smells so good. It's a mixture of strawberries and oranges, with a hint of cream'. 

 We run around for awhile, talking to each other. I lay down with her right beside me asleep. I kiss her head. Waking up, she kisses my muzzle and I do the same. Then we both had to part ways.

 That day we finally came across some sort of water and it gave us an image of what we looked like. Black as midnight hair and glowing emerald eyes. Dang! who that I was this cute. Maybe our Mate will like us, if we ever get out of here.

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