Chapter 19- Studying Builds Up

Start from the beginning

"Actually I had a chicken." She looks straight into his eyes. "Speaking of goats, however, which potions ingredient can be found in the stomach of a goat?"

"A bezoar?"

She smiles. "Correct. Maybe you two will graduate Hogwarts after all."


"Here is a checklist of all of the spells that you have learned in this class over the course of your seven years attending Hogwarts." Professor Flitwick says, passing out a long scroll filled with curly handwriting and boxes to check off. "Your assignment for the next few days is to make sure you have all of them mastered."

Then he turns and hops up onto his chair, where numerous books were stack for him to be able to see over the top. The classroom is filled with the sudden eruption of talking and spells being cast, and Harry, Ron and Hermione start theirs as well.

"So it goes from the first spell we learned to the last then?" Hermione asks, looking at the very first spell. "Wingardium Leviosa. Think you can handle that one Ron?"

"Need I remind you I knocked out a mountain troll with that spell for you." He says, rolling up his shirt sleeves.

"And I stuck my wand up it's nose for you. You'd better feel pretty special Hermione." Harry says, elbowing her.

Hermione rolls her eyes, smiling. "Yes, I do feel special. Wingardium Leviosa!"

The feather they had- they were given numerous objects to test their spells on- floats into the air and then under Ron's nose, which was scrunched in concentration. Hermione makes it tickle his nose, and Harry laughs as he sneezes loudly.

"Yuck." Hermione says, letting the feather drop. "I reckon you just got boogers all over it."

Ron shakes his head. "No, not boogers. Maybe spit though."

It was one of the most fun Charms lessons that they had had that year, though all of them were enjoyable. Naturally, by the end of class, Hermione was already halfway through the spells from second year and Ron and Harry were still doing the last three from first year.

"I can't believe how slow you two are going! At this rate you won't be done with fifth year before the exams come up!" Hermione exclaims as they make their way down to Transfiguration. "I mean honestly- they were first year spells! The easiest spells there are!"

Harry throws his hands up in the air. "Exactly! That means that we haven't used them in ages."

Hermione raises an eyebrow, and Harry thinks about how good she looks. "Do you mean to tell me that you did not use the disarming spell, a first year spell I might add, on Voldemort a mere 7 or 8 months ago?"

"Well- I- er- um- Ron you tell her why it took us so long!" Harry says, stammering for a moment and shoving Ron forward.

Ron glares at him. "Fine. It took us so long because we were having a proper discussion on the spells before performing them, and we were also performing them more than once to make sure our abilities were solid." He fake glares at Hermione. "Something you didn't do."

She laughs, wiping her eyes. "Thoroughly discuss... that's a good one. The only thing you two thoroughly discuss is-"

"How about we don't go there?" Harry interrupts.

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