Chapter 19: Snow!

Start from the beginning


As he was about to go down, he noticed the Professor's door to his was ajar. Brandon decided to close it when he noticed Snape.

He saw the man was on the couch rather than on his bed. Still clad in his black robes, Severus Snape was still holding an empty glass in his hands and a bottle of scotch was on the floor. The room reeked of alcohol and Brandon grimaced. He wished he knew about a spell to clean up the mess!

He tiptoed himself towards the man and checked the time. 5:13 AM. It was early and Snape seemed to need some rest. He seemed to be disturbed himself last night. Bran then went and grabbed a quilt from Snape's bed (still folded) and draped it over the man. Snape's facial features further loosened at the warmth.

At the sight, Bran smiled. No, Snape didn't seem as menacing as he seemed during classes. The sallow skin, the hooked nose were not as intimidating as it would have been should Snape been awake.

Snape was sighed and this caused Bran to smile a little bit more.

Maybe the man just needed someone to warm him. Maybe Snape just needed someone to love, and maybe, just maybe, he could let the love that he was given to him all his life be shared with the man in front of him now, if Snape would allow himself to be loved.

Bran tiptoed his way out of the room.


When Snape awoke, he never felt so warm as he felt now. He grumbled as he tasted the remnants of the scltch in his lips. The quilt fell and Severus was about to pick it up when he remwmbered that he drank himself to sleep last night, and he never recalled summoning a quilt.

But then again, he was drunk,  was he not? Who was he to say what he did and what he didn't?

He took a bath to wash of the smell of alcohol on his body, not forgetting to wave a wand all over the floor. Satisfied when it became as it was before, Snape put on long pants and a dark shirt and his usual black robes without the cloak. He then proceeded to go down.

As he was at the middle of the stairs when he remembered the blasted boy.

"Potter?!" He called out, his voice a little hoarse.

A series of footsteps, and then Potter emerged, closed book in hand, "Yes, sir?"

Snape thought for a moment what to say, then added gruffly, "You say you're good at Potions, boy? Get the Head Relief Potion."

"Yes, sir." The boy prpceeded to the cabinet and Snape squinted an eyes. How did the boy find out about the Potions?

"Here sir," the boy was holding a dark vial. Potter uses his brains, after all!

Snape uncorked it and downed it with a gulp. He waved his hand and it disappeared, "How did you know where to get this?"

"Uhm," the boy used his index fimger to scratch the side of his head, "I used my sense of smell, sir. After we fought the blo-"

Severus looked at him warningly, "I'm sorry, sir. I mean to say that ever since the fight with the troll, I learned that smelling can be helpful. With 'Mione's help, I studied about enhancing senses. I still can't get it right sometimes, though."

Snape was truly impressed. Enhancement, eh? Truly, this boy, if taught well and if he uses his magic well, will be a brilliant duelist. He knew how to gather information and apply them.

Snape noticed his head clearing and proceeded to go down. The boy just watched him and he then proceeded to summon his house elf, "Jar!" A creature emerged, his clothes looking a bit worn and Snape nodded to acknowledge the creature.

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