Chapter 19 - The Wedding Eve

Start from the beginning

"I dunno. We've pretty much tried everything. We don't really need more, though. It's always hot. Sometimes too hot."

"How can it be too hot?" she asked.

"There have been nights when we didn't sleep. We've gone to work without sleep because we can't control ourselves. It's crazy."

"Oh," Bria exclaimed, "I didn't realize."

"Yeah, but I do want our wedding night to be special," I said. "There is one thing we haven't tried," I said, as I thought of the one thing we always avoided. "Thanks, Bree, I know just what to do."

I was scared and excited to do what I had planned as a result of that conversation. Other people might find me stupid for feeling this way, but I didn't care.


It was crazy that we were still acting like rabbits. Who would have thought we'd end up this way? Don't get me wrong, I loved Rhia. I just wished our bodies would calm down somewhat. It was exhausting.

That didn't change the fact that every time my body yelled "jump," I responded with "how high?" I really hoped that my little friend down yonder would slow down, and soon. And he usually just reared his ugly head, no pun intended, when we were alone. This was both good and bad. Good, because we didn't have to maul each other in public. Bad, because we had trouble having a decent conversation with each other when we weren't eating dinner. Sleep had even become a luxury.

I thought back to last night. It was a Thursday, and we had stayed up until 3 the night before making love. We both fell into bed about eleven, too tired to even think about sex. I woke up at 2, and had to pee really bad. Unfortunately, I was also hard. It took me so long just to let a little out. I jumped back into bed, horny as ever, and still having to pee. I tried to go back to sleep, but I was tossing and turning relentlessly.

I must have awakened Rhia, because the next thing I knew, she was asking me, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I had replied. Even though I'd wanted her so badly right then, I also thought both of us could really use some sleep.

"Quit lying," she said, pulling on my shoulder and rolling me onto my back. Her hand ran down my stomach, and kept going until it hit my little 'problem.' "I knew it," she mumbled, before throwing back the blankets and pulling me on top of her.

She had taken to not wearing underwear to bed, due to our extra curricular activities. She was able to direct my excitedness into herself rather effortlessly. For something I was used to, it sure did turn me on. She felt so good, that I began moving in and out of her repeatedly. We were moaning each other's names in no time. The relief from my release was amazing, but I had to run to the bathroom when I almost peed all over her. By the time I returned, she had fallen asleep. I laid down next to her, and was able to fall asleep as well. At six the next morning, we were at it again. That wasn't uncommon for us.

Tomorrow was the big day. Rhia would become Mrs. Rhiannon Malick, my wife. I couldn't wait.  I had waited my whole life for this. 


I was so happy for Rhia and Max. They would marry each other tomorrow. I had a little bit of excitement going on in my life, also.

"How's it going in there?" Jason asked through the bathroom door.

"Fine," I yelled back. I picked up the stick I had just peed on. I had two minutes to wait. I opened the door to a smiling husband on the other side.

"What does it say?" he asked eagerly.

"It takes two minutes," I explained. I looked at my phone for the time, then checked the stick. "There's still one minute to go," I told him.

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