First Hearthrob

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Still feeling drowsy, Sunggyu sat up, confused to have found himself in bed. It was just a dream. I couldn't have met him yet. Maybe he wasn't even true. Sunggyu felt a bit happy and convinced with the thoughts he had. He stood up from his bed, stretched for a bit, before heading to the bathroom.

While inside, he looked at the mirror. He widened his eyes, until he was able to see that his eyes were not small. They're just right, he thought. Feeling satisfied with convincing himself, Sunggyu took of his clothes and had a quick shower. He admired his body, for which he took pride in by telling himself that he was sexy. This was true, to some extent. A few did fall head over heels with Sunggyu, but some just couldn't notice because of his nerdiness overflowing.

Heading out of the shower, Sunggyu dried himself for a bit, wore his boxers, and went back to his room. He opened his cabinet and took out his school uniform. He dressed into it quickly. Prepare my school stuff before going down, he thought. Last thing to do. Sunggyu had his own study table in his room, for which contained all of his school-related stuff. He was already in a good mood from all his convincing, until his face went pale and his eyes widened at the sight of what was on his table. A stack of books.

It wasn't a dream. I met him.


"Sunggyu, why are you just staring at your food?" His mom noticed that he was just poking his food with his chopsticks. He snapped out of his trance, and quickly flashed his best smile at his mom.

"Sorry, eomma. I was thinking if I missed anything I should have done for today. You know, quizzes and all."

"Aigoo, my baby! Ever the best to make his eomma proud!" Mrs. Kim approached Sunggyu and pinched the other's cheeks. Sunggyu smiled. He simply loved the simple way his mother could brush off all of his negative thoughts.

In all honesty, Mrs. Kim never expected much of Sunggyu. He knew that the other's passion was not studies, but music. She had always advised him to easen up with studying and take a break from time to time, but Sunggyu ignored it. He wanted his father's dream to become a reality - to be a doctor.

"Eomma, I want to ask you something."

"What is it, my dear?"

Sunggyu's fingers twitched before he was able to ask, "D-do you believe in love at f-first sight?"

His mom stared at him with a blank expression. He wasn't able to discern what his mom was thinking, until she supressed a smile, before speaking, "Is my baby in love? Well, before I answer your question, please tell me if something happened."

Sunggyu told her the story of the blonde-haired man in the library. Mrs. Kim knew about Sunggyu's sexuality, for which she wholeheartedly accepted without anything holding her back. She believed that this would make Sunggyu happy. As a typical mother, she would always support anything that makes her son happy.

After telling her the story, she fell silent for a few moments before speaking once more. "Well, ot may be because you were just fascinated with how he looked. I mean, everybody gets infatuated. Maybe you just felt that he looked to good to be true."

Sunggyu convinced himself of what his mom told him. He believed it. You must believe it, he told himself. Feeling satisfied, he smiled at his mom, "Ne, eomma. Maybe it was just fascination. You're right, I'm overthinking things. Thanks, eomma!" He kissed his mom in the cheeks, before getting his back and heading towards the door.

"Sunggyu, aren't you going to wait for Yeollie?" His mother asked. Even before she was able to expect an answer, she heard the door close in. Apparently, Sunggyu was too happy and convinced with her explanation. She shook her head, and spoke to herself.

"Yah, Kim Sunggyu... Be cautious with your heart. You never know what wonders it can do."

I'll take care of being hurt on my own
So in return promise me one thing
Promise me just this one thing

Your place will always, forever be just how you left it
So if by any chance you start to miss me again,
Don't worry about it and come back to me

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