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My parents had sat together for the first time since my dad left. Sam was over talking with my parents about wanting to marry me. They've been talking for about an hour and a half. Sam's parents also are here. They are all talking about us getting married and then it finally hit me. I was getting married.
"Haneen. Do you want to marry Sam?" My dad asked.
"Yes, I would like to. If I have your blessing."
"Well then it's official. You're getting married." Sam looked at me and smiled.

"We're getting married." Sam told me in the car. We were driving to pick out a wedding ring. Once we got to the place he had given me a quick kiss on the cheek and opened the door for me.
"After you."

"Hi, how can I help you two?" A women greeted us.
"I'm looking to buy a wedding ring for me and my fiancé." Sam told her. 
I began to daze off thinking about Yahya.
"Haneen. Haneen." Sam waved his hand in front of my face. I blinked a few times.
"Sorry. Yeah?"
"Which ring do you like." I picked out a simple ring and he picked out a ring for him.

"Let's go for some lunch. I'm hungry." He told me after we bought the rings.
I started playing with my ring. 
I hope I made the right decision.
"How does 'The patio' sound?" He asked me.
"Sounds great."
We got to the restaurant and ordered our food. He ordered the chicken sandwich. Unlike me and Yahya who would have ordered the burger. I shook the thought away and ordered my food.
"I can't believe I'm getting married to you. I'm the luckiest man in the world."
"Yeah. Me neither."
Our food had arrived and I dug in. I'm a stress eater so let's just say I ate my food in like two minutes.

When I got home from lunch, I threw myself on the bed. I couldn't stop thinking about him since I ran into him. I began crying. What the hell am I doing. I'm getting married. I can't be thinking about him right now. I shouldn't be. I should be thinking of Sam. The man I'm going to be spending the rest of my life with. The man I'm going to be waking up to and the last person I'll see before I close my eyes at night.

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