Chapter 11

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  • Dedicated to All My Fans

I don't know what to do. My weapons have been stripped from me, every last one. Taigo, Hickleberryand Horsha are obviously thinking the same.

I'm dead for sure now, and so is Orchid. The Careers have stolen the backpack with all my food in, all our food in, so the others have nothing, they'll soon die of starvation.

Give up now? Yeah, of course that is the easiest way out, but I'm not giving up without a fight.

The Careers and my brother are quarreling. I rest my head against the splintering wood that I am tied to.

Think, Newsalie, Think!

I think to myself.

How on earth am I going to break free, break Orchid free, get my possessions back, and then rescue Horsha, Hickleberry and Taigo?

It almost seems impossible. 

I start struggling in my chains and make as much sound as possible. The Careers turn to me. As soon as they do, I make a subtle head movement to Horsha, so he, Hickleberry and Taigo can get ashore and safe. I watch them carefully then avert my eyes so the Careers do not recognise that something is up.

"What are you doing?" A tall stocky one asks.

"I have an itch. On my nose." I curse myself for such a bad excuse but they fall for it.

"Do you think we care?" A smaller boy asks.

"No, I didn't ask for you to come see me, your watching skills are pathetic, seems like your "prey" have disappeared,"

Their heads all turn back to the sea.

Unexpectedly, the small one grabs my neck and holds it tight. I show no wince of pain.

His face is screwed up with anger, "Did you do this?"


"Tell me the truth!" His face is turning red now.

"No. I have been tied up here all along." I yank my sweaty hand through the chains, and grab his neck. Not so tough now, are we? I think.

I squeeze his neck harder. The stocky guy advances towards me.

"One more move and I break his neck." I say calmly, my hand almost slipping from his neck. The stocky one stops in his tracks.

"Ah, I won't let go until one of you unchains Orchid and lets her free."

They do as they are told, I'm guessing he is a key member of their "pack".

The stocky one unchains Orchid and lets her free. She glances at me with apologetic eyes. I nod for her to run, and she does. I tighten my grip on his neck. 

He's stopped breathing now. Stocky charges at me, so, with no choice, I snap his neck. He falls lifelessly to the sand.

Stocky's mouth falls open and his gaze drops to the guy I just killed.

"Never underestimate your opponent." I smirk. Bad move.

They all charge at me with knives and guns. I take a bullet in my stomach, and thigh, they slice my right cheek open and fill a flask with my blood.

Stocky starts to drink it, but then the Gong sounds. A hovercraft materializes, and a loud voice is heard, 

"Please mount the hovercraft immediately, or there will be serious circumstances. We do not allow cannibalism in the arena!"

A ladder is let down, and Stocky drops the flask. He grabs the ladder, and it rises. 

One down, many to go. 


So how are you enjoying it? Good twist? Please give good feedback, I need it! Any information you want on the characters, just ask! Tell your friends and fans about this and get me back in the top 20 again, I was once 14, so come on guys!! Love all my fans xx

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