Chapter 5

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Slam! My knife hit the dummy. Right in the eye. I step aside to let a girl from District three through. She has big, blue eyes and long blonde hair. I heard earlier her name was Hickleberry.

She throws several knives at once and they hit the dummy with such force, that it comes off the stand and hits the wall at the back.

She turns to me and smiles. I decide I like her.

She heads to the shooting range, and I follow her. "Hi, I'm Newsalie!" I say as we settle on a bench.

"I'm Hickleberry." She reaches down for a bow. I pick a wooden one.

She aims, fires and misses it by a centimetre. I aim, fire and just hit the target, by a centimetre.

After lots of practise, I can hit the dummy every time.

"You're prettty good!" A voice comes from behind me, I raise my bow as I turn arond. A boy with scruffy hair and tanned skin stands before me.

"WOW! I didn't mean to---"

"Sorry," I interrupt him, "instict."

"S'Okay! I'm Taigo."

"I'm Newsalie,"

"Cool!" He lifts his bow and fires. He hits the dummy, right at its heart. I stand there, mouth wide open.

"Shut your mouth, flies might fly in," he laughs, I manage to giggle until I turn bright red.

"TAIGO!" A feminin voice shouts. A small girl with a ginger bob, big, brown eyes and a button nose appears. She looks about my age.

"Hi, I'm Orchid," she says to me,

"I'm News---"

"I know, Newsalie. Your friend from the same District told me."

My brother marches over. "Hey croc." I smile at him.

Taigo is confused, "Do you guys know each other?" Taigo comes back from collecting his arrow.

"Yes, he's my brother," I say. Orchid butts in,

"Oh! I thought you looked alike, I thought you were just friends."

"Wait, I'm confused... Orchid do you know him?" Taigo asks,

"Yes, and it's Horsha," Horsha replies, "I met her at the tying knots area, My fingers are pretty sore now," He flexes his fingers.

"So, as we all know each other now, we should stick together in the arena!" Orchid squeaks,

"What?" Taigo asks, he's clearly not catching along so quickly,

"We should team up. We could all do different things! Like: I could make traps, Taigo and Newsalie could hunt, and Horsha could help out in hunting and tying knots, he's an all rounder."

"Sure!" I reply, now I feel comforted that I've got more people to support me in the arena.

We see a lot of people staring at us. We return to our stations. I go to the tying knots area and then the one where you see what berries are poisonous, and the ones which are not.

After many days, I discover hidden talents, like: spear Hickleberry into our little team.

On the second night, I do not worry about the next day. I sleep like a log.

I practise throwing knives third day. Training flies past so quickly and I soon start to worry about impressing the Gamemakers.

Taigo's going to shoot, Orchid is going to tie knots, Horsha's going to show them many things and Hickleberry's going to show her new talent, throwing spears.

I have no idea what I'm going to do!

Now I sit waiting for my name to be called. Horsha goes, then I have to go.

I go to the cupboard and collect many knives. I throw one at a dummy, then throw loads, like Hickleberry had taught me. The Gamemakers sit eager in their seats.

"Thank you, Newsalie," The Head Gamemaker, Clarener, says, "I think we've seen enough," Then he winks. That's a good sign. They scribble down something. I leave the room, beaming.

Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought.

I'm actually looking forward to hearing about my score.

I go to my room and prepare for supper. I pick a frilly white dress, and when Bella calls me, I skip to th elevator.

"You're in a good mood!" Bella comments,

"Aw, well I had a good day!" I say cheerily. I gobble down my supper, eager to speed up time.

We go to the sitting room and get the scores. The people before me get around 10. Horsha's face apprears on the screen, then it flashes 10. My face appears. 12. I blink to make sure I saw it right. Hickleberry gets a nine, Taigo gets an eleven and Orchid gets a twelve like me.

A boy called Trintell Marks gets a one.

I happily return to my room and drift off without showering.

Interviews soon. I hope I 'WOW' the audience.

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