Season 3 Episode 2: The Conflagration

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Stanley was in the dinning room, reading newpapers as usual, Mabel was pouring the whole container filled with Mabel Juice in her mouth as Dipper, who was beside her in the dinning room. Looked at her grimacing.

"Mabel, seriously? You look like psychopath drinking a juice,"

"Beats me. I don't care, and don't you dare compare me with that demon,"

Stanley then adruptly spoken, not making eye contact with his nephew and his niece but to his newspaper, "like I said last summer. It's like a coffee and nightmares had a baby or something...."

Mabel swallowed the juice then stopped, she chuckled, she retorted in an eupeptic way, "Haha. Well you know i'm a creep,"

Ford came in, he tinkering with some gun.

Stanley noticed, he then utterly asked, "whatcha got there Poin' Dexter?"

"It's just a gun that can apply a force, strong enough to manipulate any element or create any element otherwise," Ford smirked as he was continued tinkering with it, Dipper felt excited and amazed. "Whoa, that's so cool! How does it work?"

Ford then retorted to the boy, "easy, you just type one of the elements, for example water," he typed the word, "it operates just like the Memory Erasing Gun, but this one can only be available on earth, water, fire and air. There just like i said, only four elements it can control,"

"Like this." He fired the gun on Mabel's container of Mabel juice, that had a few liquid on it, the liquid came out of the container then got sucked inside the tube of her gun, "so anyone want some juice?"

"I do! I do!" Mabel happily proclaimed, springing her hands around the air.

"One shot of whatever this is, coming right up!" Ford flicked a tiny switch that was attached to the gun, as the liquid was forcefully shot into Mabel's mouth.

Mabel swallowed, "cool! Can i try?" Ford blinked, "I don't see why not, here. Have the spare one," he handed out another gun like his.

Mabel rushed to Ford, then snatched the gun from the old man's hands. She then typed 'fire', uh-oh.

She aimed the gun at her surroundings, then suddenly fire appeared out of the gun, Mabel lost control of the gun, as the gun's fire was uncontrollably springing around the air.

Stan then shielding himself, then snatched the gun away from Mabel. "Mabel! Didn't your mother ever told to not play with fire?!"

Mabel giggled as she stole her gun back from her great uncle, "i think so,"

Right now, the room was smoking, Wendy appeared and was coughing because of the smoke and pinching her nose. "Man. What happened in here? And why does it smells bad?" She coughed as she spoken, "did Stan farted or something?"

Stan got annoyed by this, "ugh. For your information Wendy, my farts are not that bad,"

"Do you really have to proclaim that statement?" Dipper asked, now flopping on the table as he furrowed a brow.

Ford then stepped forward, interrupting, "okay so anyways.. this is called an Elemental Gun, i--"

Mabel then boredly interrupted in a bored impression, "Elemental? Really Fordsy? Is that the best you can come up with?" Mabel then grinned in a eupeptic way, "How about the nature gun 3000."

Gravity Falls Season 3: Continuation Of Gravity Fallsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें