Chapter 10

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Tyra's POV

Ever since they got their greedy hands on me I've been like this. Locked up with no chance or hope of escaping. They tested me. Everyday I hoped for someone, a familiar face something that might be of use to me. But I soon learned that it was nothing more than a dream, a hope that faded amongst the stars. I could see it, the light of Valhalla. I was about to step to the light when I heard something. My eyes opened slightly and I turned my head a little to see none other than Loki. He stood one the other side of the glass looking around for some kind of switch or button to open the door. But I had long forgotten where it was.

While my uncle is not one to show emotion, I could see it in his eyes, the worry and guilt. It wasn't his fault. I still remember Asgard and that fateful day when I was dragged from my home, my family and my people.


It was like any other day in Asgard. We were down in the training ring, me, Thor, Sif and Loki. This time it was me against Sif and Thor. Now Thor is no small being. Compared to me he towers over my small frame. I glanced over at Loki and he smiled. He knew what I was planning. It's odd actually how I like to plan things out like Loki than Thor who likes to just barge right in. Sif took the first swing I easily blocked it with my blade and vaulted over her head to strike. She was quick though and blocked with her shield before my blade made contact with her armor. Then Thor stepped closer and swung. I rolled out of the way just barely missing the giant hammer poised to knock my head off.

Now I was further away from Sif and Thor. Sif looked at Thor and he threw his hammer aimed right at my chest. Luckily for me, that wasn't the real me. Loki taught me how to duplicate and do all kinds of magic that neither of them would ever understand. This caught both Sif and father off guard as the other me faded. Another duplicate showed up beside Sif, and while it distracted her I was able to quietly jump attack Thor from behind grabbing his head and pulling it back. I braced my feet upon his shoulders and flipped off. However, in my landing Sif caught me by the neck and lifted me up so my feet no longer touched the floor. Now I was struggling to breathe. She had an iron grip around my neck and soon released as I elbowed her ribs and collapsed to the ground gasping for air. I had no energy left and continued laying there on the floor until Sif commented.
"You know the enemy won't just stand around and wait for you to get up and catch your breath." I glared at her.
"I know that. That was just something I wasn't expecting." She scoffed
"You never know what will happen in battle." As she and Thor walked off leaving me and Loki. I stood up, exhausted by the training. As soon as they were out of ear shot, I went off.
"GAHHHHHH! You never know what to expect with the enemy. They won't just sit around for you." I ranted making a funny voice while impersonating Sif. I ranted some more. and noticed Loki laughing at me.
"What? It's true!" I said gesturing to Sif and Thor walking away.
"Sif is right though Tyra. You cannot simply lay down and expect the enemy to wait." he said as he walked towards me.
"Come, I believe you've earned yourself something to eat." he smiled.
I stood there contemplating what to say.
"Well food does sound good right about now. Let me grab my bow." I said as I reached out a took my bow in my hands, suddenly the ground shook. I looked at my uncle, a little unsure. He looked worried.
"Tyra, hurry, we must get inside the palace." he said looking towards the sky.
I grabbed my bow and began walking away. As soon as I turned around the ground cracked and shook violently.

I fell to the ground....again. Loki stood at the top if the stairs.
"Tyra! Hurry!" he yelled. I stood back up and began sprinting to towards him.
"Working on it!"
Loki and I began running. He had already gotten inside. The ground opened up quickly about to take me below the surface when I jumped and slid in through the doors. Once again lying on the floor trying to catch my breathe.
"What in Odin's name was that?" I asked looking up at my uncle.
He looked at me and looked back out to Asgard.
"Tyra, I have no clue. We must tell Odin. Come."
I sighed. Great, visiting my grandfather. Odin wasn't the best with children. He tended to stay out of our personal lives unless it had something to do with the safety of Asgard. Which in this case it did, so yay let's go tell Odin how I almost died today. I got up and followed Loki through the golden halls.

When we got inside Thor, Sif, Fandral, Hogun, and Volstagg were already there. I stood off to the side not caring to listen to their tentative conversation, but to listen to the winds and the trees. It might sound odd but I can speak with and hear the trees talk to one another. They don't actually speak, but listening to the sounds the leaves make in the wind and how the branches sway it's all from the trees speaking to one another.

That's the thing about me. I'm different. I'm not an Asgardian and no matter how much everyone tries to tell me that I am, I know I'm not. I'm not stupid. One can clearly see my pointed ears and know that I'm an Elf, not an Asgardian. They tried to cover up the truth but it would not be covered. I refuse to pretend to be something I'm not.

Little did I know that my whole life would change in a matter of days...


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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 07, 2014 ⏰

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