Chapter 9

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Courtney's POV

So my dad got a call from this mysterious person and huge aircraft thing came from nowhere. The back opened up to reveal three people. A woman with short red hair, a man with brown hair and brown eyes and lastly behind them standing in the door way was a girl who looked about my age. She had bright red hair like the woman and a bow strapped to her back like the man.

She wore what looked like a training/combat outfit of some sort. Wondered what kind of personality was behind that combat look. And she was not someone that i would want to get in a fight with.

Dad walked up a shook hands with the man and woman.

"Long time no see Captain." The woman said with very little emotion.

"Same to you Agent Romanoff. Agent Barton. And who might this be?" Dad asked

"I could ask you the same thing Cap." Agent Romanoff replied.

Dad smiled and placed his arm around my shoulder.

"This is my daughter Courtney. Fury said that I should bring her in."

"Hello. I'm Agent Natasha Romanoff, this is Agent Barton and this is our daughter Merida."

I smiled at Merida. That was a cool name, totally different than the usual names.

Dad looked at me.

"Why dont you and Merida here go on ahead. We'll see you inside."

"Um sure."

Merida grabbed my hand and we took off towards the wierd cabin.

"C'mon, I've got a great place to show you. You know how to fight right?"

"Haha no. I've never picked up a weapon in my life." I told her as we came up to a large room.

Merida crossed her arms and flicked on the lights "Well maybe its high time I show you how."

And in the next half hour I've never worked so much in my life.


Not much happening here in this chapter and terribly sorry for such a long time to update.

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