- You Want Me to Sit on Babies? -

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- You Want Me to Sit on Babies? -

~ Cyan's POV ~

"Trender! Splendor!" I shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

It was raining outside, typical for the Under Realm, and the sky was grey with red tinted clouds.
Jeff, the others and I decided it would be nice to go out for the evening, but our plans were quickly put on hold when we realized we were missing a key role... A babysitter.

"Oh hell no!" Jeff had roared when I recommended Slendy's brothers, Trenderman and Splendorman, watch our infant daughters, Pepper and Katherine, "I'd rather leave them by themselves!"

"It's character building, after all." Ben had spoken up from the couch behind where Jeff and I were standing.

"Shut up, Ben, you're not helping." I spat, "And Jeff, it'll only be for a couple of hours and they're perfectly qualified."

"Give me two good ways they're 'qualified' to watch my offspring?" He had said, crossing his arms and mimicking my voice when he had said 'qualified'.

"Splendorman is the most entertaining entity alive, and they both have, combined together, eight tentacles that can protect them if something were to even happen. Plus, they can Slenderwalk if something goes down. And they have Smile, Penny and Cujo." I said matter-of-factly.

Cujo was one of the six puppies that my Alaskan husky, Penny, and Jeff's demon dog, Smile Dog, had had together a couple of years back. The other five pups were given away to friends in the Under Realm and the three that looked like normal huskies were given as anonymous presents to random children in the Over Realm. That was Sally's idea.

"Well..." Jeff began, but finally he huffed in defeat and yelled, "Everyone, come on! Can we get going?" He looked at me, and I knew he could see the triumph of winning the argument in my eyes.

"Ew! Cyan, one of your things is wheezing on me." I looked down at Ben who was holding Katherine on the couch. I leaned down to pick up the infant with straight, blonde hair and black eyes.

She was the oldest out of our two daughters, only by about two minutes. Jeff and I had agreed to never tell them which one was older to avoid arguments in the future.

Katherine immediately calmed down and stopped squirming once her small head rested in between my upper arm and my breast. Her eyes shut and she drifted to sleep immediately.

"Babysitter number one reporting for duty!" I turned around to see Trender, Slenderman's eldest brother, holding my youngest daughter in his long arms. Her eyes were open and aware.

Pepper had paper white skin that felt like cotton to the touch and black hair tinged with red. Both of our children truly were beautiful.

"Hey! No Slenderwalking with the offspring. God only knows how that'll screw up their heads." Jeff grumbled as he took Pepper from Trender's arms.

"What are you talking about? Our parents Slenderwalked with my brothers and myself and we turned out just fine!" Trenderman protested, acting sassy and putting a hand on his hip.

"Uh... Huh... 'Fine'." Jeff said with quotations. I had to suppress a giggle.

"I'm here!" I turned around yet again as Splendor and Slendy walked through the front door for a change. Slendy looked exasperated and Splendor was singing.

"Thank God. Here," Jeff said as he passed Pepper to Splendor, "Now that the babysitters are here, can we please leave?"

"You want me to sit on babies?" Splendor asked, sadness and shock leaking into his beady black eyes. I hid my laugh as I listened to Trender and Splendor argue as I shut the front door.

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