Ch.4 Thinking about love

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After escaping the pirates, Peter and Wendy flew until they landed at the Lost Boys camp where Peter put Wendy down.

"Hey did you guys hear some canons going off?" Alice asked as she went up to them.

"Yeah it was my fault" Peter said.

"Oh, let me guess, you were messing with Hook again."

"Yeah" he smirked "Although it kind of went wrong when Hook tried to shoot a canon at Wendy."

"What?" Alice gasped.

"It's okay" Wendy assured "I'm fine."

"And I think I've had enough of messing with Hook today" Peter added.

Later that day, Alice and Wendy went into the forest to pick fruits.

"So Wendy" Alice said as she started to gather some coconuts into her basket "Do you ever think about staying in Neverland?"

"Well" Wendy said as she pulled some bananas off a tree "I have thought about it, but I know I can't, cause I have a family in London, and I have to grow up with them."

"Well you know, if you get married, you can move anywhere you want."

"I know."

"And if you marry Peter, then you can move Neverland."

"Oh Alice" Wendy sighed "You know that in order for me to get married I have to grow up right?"

"I know but, I'm just saying, if you and Peter get married, then you both can live in Neverland together."

"True, but we both know Peter doesn't grow up, and besides, I'm still 16, I gotta grow up if I want to get married."

Alice gave a sigh as they went deeper into the forest.

But back at the Lost Boys camp, Peter sat at a table as he continued to think as Tinkerbell flew up to him.

"Hey" she said, but he ignored her as he continued to think "Hey!"

At that point she caught his attention.

"Oh sorry Tink" he said "I was in a deep thought mode."

"Let my guess, was it about Wendy?"

"Yeah..." he sighed.

"What sort of things were you thinking about her?"

"Well, you know how Wendy has to grow up in order to be with her family?"


"Well I was thinking, if she gets married, that means she'll move out of her parent's place and live somewhere else."

"So what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that, if she marries me, then she can live in Neverland."

"Hold on" Tink said with a worried look "Are you planning on proposing to her?"

"I don't know" he sighed.

"Cause if you are, you know that you and Wendy are too young for that right? Cause if you want to get married, you'll have to, dare I say this, grow up."

"I know" he sighed again "I don't know what to do Tink."

"Well" she sighed "You like her right?"

"Of course, but the more we spend time together, the more I-" he hesitated.

"The more you fall in love with her?"

"Well, yeah."

"Peter, do you want to be with her?"

"More than anything."

"Then let me ask you this: Would you grow up in order to be with her?"

Peter sat there with a surprised look.

"I mean if you really do love her" Tink said "Are you willing to grow up so you can marry her?"

"Wow" Peter said surprised "I never thought about that."

"So what do you say?"

"Well-" he said as he continued to think about it "I mean I'm not really suppose to grow up, cause that's my thing."

"Hey, even if you do grow up, you'll still be the same Peter everyone knows."


"And like what you said, if you marry Wendy, she can live in Neverland and you'll both be together and not have to worry about getting old."

"Well that's true."

"So what do you say Peter? If you want to be with Wendy, are you willing to grow up?"

"Well I-" he said as he thought about it "I really do love her, and I would do anything to be with her. And you know what? Yeah, I would grow up to be with her."

"Really?" Tink smiled.

"Yeah" he said surprised "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I do want to grow up, I want to grow up so I can marry her."

Tinkerbell gave a squeal.

"I never thought I would that for something like this" she smiled.

"And you know what else?" Peter added as he got up "I'm gonna talk to her about it, I'm gonna confess my feelings for her and tell her that I want to be with her, even if it means I have to grow up."

"Then what are you waiting for?!" Tink exclaimed with a smile "Go tell her!"

"I will! Except I don't know where she is."

"She's out picking fruits with Alice."

"Okay then, I'm off."

And with that he flew off to find Wendy.

"Good luck!" Tink shouted.

As he flew away, Tinkerbell put her hands on her heart.

"Aww" she smiled as she felt her heart warm up "My Peter's in love, and he's growing up now, what a surprise."

Still in the forest, Alice and Wendy started to head back with their baskets full of fruits.

"Look at all of this" Alice smiled as she looked at the fruits "I can't wait to make all sorts of pie, strawberry, blueberry, coconut cream."

"Oh I love your coconut cream pies" Wendy said "You have to give me the recipe."

"Oh I can when we get back, you can even help me make it."

"Oh that'll be fun" Wendy smiled.

All of a sudden Wendy tripped over a log as the fruits rolled out of the basket as some began to roll down a hill.

"Oh great" she sighed with disappointment as she got up.

"You okay?" Alice asked.

"I'm fine."

"You know what I'll take care of the fruits here, you can gather the rest that rolled down the hill."

"On it" Wendy said as she started to go down hill.

"Make sure you get the coconuts!" Alice shouted "We need them for the pies!"

"Got it!" Wendy shouted as she continued down the hill.

When she got to the bottom, she started to gather up the fruits.

"Okay this is a lot" she said as a coconut fell out of her arms.

"You need some help?" a voice asked.

"Oh that'll be nice thank you" she said as she turned around.

But when she turned around, she was shocked to see Hook.

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