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Caspar's POV

It's 5am on Sunday, we had arrived back at our flat a little while ago, Joe and I lay on the sofa, this time his head lays on my lap, his eyes tired and dull.

We half watch a Christmas movie and half pay attention to our phone, I still enjoy his company.

Everyone assumes that as roommates, we spend a lot of times in our rooms with the doors locked, but we're hardly apart.
Joe and I always prank each other, adventuring or just sharing a laugh.
We'll even have a cuddle and just enjoy each others company.

"Hey b*tches." Josh smirks, opening our front door with rattling keys in one hand and a take-out bag in the other.

We greet my other best friend as he sets down his things on the kitchen counter.

"Hey buddy." Joe smiles goofily.

"Are you guys hungry?" Josh holds out the takeout bag towards us. Joe and I are quick to agree, we're pigs, but I like food so..

"Thank you so much." Joe smiles, taking his share of food on a plastic plate. "I'm going to go edit my gaming video. I'll see you in a bit."

"NOOOOO hang with us." I whine with a puppy dog face.

"My video isn't gonna edit itself." Joe kisses my forehead with a laugh and disappears down the stairs.

I take my plate and food to the couch, changing the channel to the football game and munching down on my chips.

"Bro.." Josh huffs, sitting in the chair next to me.

"You'd tell me anything, right?" He continues.

"Of course man."

"Then why the f*ck aren't you telling me about you and Joe."

"Fine... we brushed Nala's teeth with your toothbrush last time Zoe visited." I sigh. How'd he find out?

"No not.. WAIT WHAT?" Josh screams. "Okay never mind. You and Joe are.. ya know.. dating?"

"I already told you we aren't. I get hella b*tches" I smirk.

"I need to say this since I'm your best friend." Josh starts. "Every single one of your friends see it, except the two of you. You and Joe never leave each others side. You obviously have feelings for each other and it's time you realize it."

"We're just friends Josh. Friends are meant to be close. Best friends of course."

"Best friends don't sleep in the same bed, best friends don't cuddle, best friends don't kiss each other on the forehead, or hold hands. Caspar. We've been best mates since primary school and when's the last time you and I have had a cuddle?"

I don't speak.

"Caspar, I know, I know you don't see it, but please just think about it. Look at yourself and just. Figure it out."

"I care about him." I finally speak softly.

"Caring about someone and constantly cuddling is two different things."


That was the last of our conversation. I become loud goofy Caspar, dropping the subject.


I sit in Joe's bed on my laptop.

We kind of developed a routine. I sit on Joe's bed working, he works at his desk. Once we're done, we talk or act silly or just lay in silence. Until we fall asleep, in each others arms.

We work for a good while, I finished editing half of my video and I wrote some of my second book.

"Goodnight Joe." I finally wave at him, getting up to leave.

"Sleeping in your own bed, are you?" The boy raises an eyebrow in confusion.

"Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow." I smile, trying to avoid looking into his confused eyes.


Just best mates sleep in their own beds.

Best Mates// Jaspar (Joe Sugg x Caspar Lee)Where stories live. Discover now