The days in S.O.L.O

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3 months has passed, none of the players DARED to even enter the first boss room, neither did I. I wasn't ready, I'm now only lvl 12 and my skills are still low. Other than that, my equipment is horrible, I only have a Claymore as my main weapon and a light plate as my armour.

I've been grinding EXP ( experience points ) for the past three months and the mobs only gave a tiny bit of EXP.

All I knew that the players actually made a plan to fight the first boss.

This was the plan. The players knew that the boss is extremely hard and more importantly it must be killed by ONE person. So they are trying to gather high lvl players to go into the boss room one by one to figure out what is the boss's attack pattern. But there is a risk, after the player goes into the room and analyse the boss for a while, they must run out of the boss room. Otherwise they will become minced meat. after they gathered enough information, the player that has the highest lvl will go into the boss room and kill the boss.

That was the best plan that we players can actually think out. Since I'm lvl 12 and the highest player's lvl is 22, they added me into the operation plan. Well, all I hope is I won't get killed by the boss. The plan starts in one month, so I can least grind a bit more.

But, Everyday and night I kept thinking:" when will we beat the boss? when will we get out of this god forsaken place?" I really wanted to get outta here , same as the other players. I don't want to die in this wretched place."

One month has passed, I'm now lvl 15. And I finally bought copper leggings for extra protection. The leader of the operation, Satoru-San , told us to gather at the entrance of the boss room. When we reached the boss room, I counted the ppl who were there. 1....2...3....4.....There were only 20 ppl. But, something caught my eye, I saw a girl with cyan hair, and she was lvl 22. "What is a GIRL doing here?!?" I questioned myself. I think she was just bored and she wanted to try the game. Well too sad that the game ended up like this.

Satoru-San told us to be careful and try not to get hit by the boss. I was a bit nervous, I imagined images of me dying in the boss room.

"No, I can't be sacred. This is only the beginning."

The first person went into the room, he was a warrior. A class that has very thick armour and uses a great-sword. ( gigantic sword ) That should be a very good start to gather Information about the boss. We waited outside the boss room for a while.

Suddenly, we heard a giant scream coming out from the boss room.

We opened the door. The person who went into was being shred to pieces by the boss. The boss was a giant wolf holding a breaker blade. It was named " Winter's teeth" we quickly closed the door and we tried to calm down..........I was just there, paralysed. I couldn't think of anything.

Satoru-San said:" Guys, please calm down. I know that we lost a life in there but we gotta keep on going!"

"WHO THE HELL WANTS TO GO IN AGAIN" I turned around and I saw a guy yelling at Satoru-San." IF WE KEEP UP LIKE THIS WE WILL END UP BEING BEATEN BY THE GAME!" I agreed with him, if we keep on loosing players now. We won't have that much ppl to gather information on the higher floors.

" Shut the hell up and be quiet! U are all useless!" It was a voice of a girl.

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