Part 1- Non-Existence

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My name is Skylar Alexandra Styles, and according to the world, I don’t exist.

I was born on February 1, 1994, in Bromsgrove, Worcestershire. Sound familiar? It should; I was born as Harry Styles’ twin sister. We were inseparable during our childhood and then, Harry joined the X-Factor. I wanted to see him sing, but Harry told me to stay home. That killed me; was he ashamed of his twin sister?
One day, I finally understood why Harry was so reluctant to let me come see him. I called him late one night. “Hello?” he asked, his voice was groggy and familiar. “Harry?” I asked, close to tears. “Sky?” he asked, waking up, but in a near whisper, “Why are you calling me?” That brought me to the breaking point.
I tried to muffle my tears, but Harry knew me better than that. “Sky? Oh, don’t cry…” “I miss you…” I said, “Why can’t I come see you?” He sighed, “Look… Nobody knows about you. I’d love to keep it that way…” “Why?” I asked, “Did I do something wrong?” “No.” he said, “You didn’t. It’s just… fame changes people. I already sense it in myself, and I fear it’ll change Mom, and Gemma soon enough. But you… You’re perfect just as you are, and fame would ruin you. So, please, stay secret for as long as you can… I’ll come home soon.” “Ok…” I said, in understanding, “I love you, Haz.” “I love you too, Sky…” he said, before hanging up.
And that’s when my existence ended.

Harry did eventually come home, after One Direction got their record deal. I remember it like yesterday. I was sitting on my couch, watching who knows what, when someone knocked on the door. I looked though the peep-hole; Harry warned me to never open the door to strangers because of the press. I recognized the figure instantly. I opened the door, and jumped in my brother’s arms. Now, I know this may seem odd to all you who hate your siblings, but my relationship with Harry was different. Harry hugged me back, and we got back inside. I was so engulfed in the feeling of being reunited with Harry that I didn’t notice the four other boys that followed us inside. When I did, I jumped back down, and blushed a little at my behavior. Then, they started to ask questions;

“Who is this?”

“Yeah, she’s cute.”

“Is this who you wanted us to meet?”

Harry nodded and I stuck out my hand, “Hello…” The blonde one shook it first and started to introduce himself, but I cut him off, “No. Let me guess. Hmmm… Niall?” “Yup.” he said, his Irish accent more clear. The darkest haired one came forward, and I replied with, “Zayn?” He nodded, “Right again.” The third member came forward, and I bit my lip, “Liam?” He smiled, “Nice to meet you.” That left the last member, who‘s blue eyes never left me. “And you’re Louis.” I said, more sure about my answer. He nodded and kept eye contact, as shook my hand, “In person. And you are…?” “Skylar.” Harry answered for me, breaking our gaze. Louis put his hands in his pocket, “Sorry, if I over stepped my boundaries.” Harry shook his head, “It’s not that. I just don’t want my best friends flirting with my twin sister.” Their gazes all shifted to Harry, and I smiled; Harry had a lot of explaining to do that night.

The boys vowed to keep me a secret, and we’ve stayed friends ever since. I had to say I liked my non-existence...until it got in the way of living.

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