I Know You're Sick Of Hearing:

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Aries, I know you're sick of hearing:

1) How selfish or bossy you can be at times.

2) Things you already know or have been told a million times before.

3) You could put more effort into the things you do.

4) You need to work on your patience.

Taurus, I know you're sick of hearing:

1) That you're stubborn and always want things your way.

2) People with no common sense who try to make sense.

3) You need to work on communicating better.

4) That you should "just let things go". I know, it's irritating.

Gemini, I know you're sick of hearing:

1) That you talk a lot! You pretty much wish that line would be abolished.

2) You need to focus more or that you're always doing "too much".

3) People stating misinformed information. . .when you know the facts.

4) Silence. Admit it, you hate it.

Cancer, I know you're sick of hearing:

1) That you're super-duper sensitive. You're just highly in tune with feelings, right?

2) How you don't like to go out or that you're a "homebody".

3) Why you should "just move on" . . .as if other people have the right to.

4) About your mood swings. It's not your fault you go from happy to crabby in 2.5 seconds.

Leo, I know you're sick of hearing:

1) You want all the attention on you all day, every day or that you have a big ego.

2) How you're so dramatic that you can be a one-person stage show.

3) The reason you got hurt is because you cared "too much".
(But then when you don't care enough. . . .you're selfish, the irony).

4) About people you don't like. There's a reason you don't like them, right?

Virgo, I know you're sick of hearing:

1) That you're a neat freak. . . .if they only knew.

2) How you're always getting defensive, as if you don't have the right to defend yourself. . . all the time.

3) People who talk on and on. . .and on. Get to the damn point!!!!!!!!

4) Corny jokes. You can only smirk but so many times.

Libra, I know you're sick of hearing:

1) That you can never make up your mind or that you're very indecisive. Choices, choices!

2) You have a hard time saying "no". If only they knew how much say it in your head.

3) How much you flirt. You can't help it, right?

4) People sobbing all the time. . .and doing nothing about it.

Scorpio, I know you're sick of hearing:

1) That you like sex, want sex or need sex all the time. Might be true, might not. . .but damn.

2) You're vindictive, possessive, controlling, hard to read, passive-aggressive. . .and all those other characteristics that people need to shove up their behinds.

3) You need to open up more or that you're too secretive.

4) People explaining why they're sorry about the things they do over and over again.

Sagittarius, I know you're sick of hearing:

1) About how you don't think before you talk. In other words, you say whatever comes to mind.

2) You don't show emotion or are not as sensitive as other would like to SEE. . .but in reality, you're pretty sensitive. (On the inside and stuff).

3) You can't commit to anything.

4) People complain, complain, complain. You'd much rather have a drink and move on with life.

Capricorn, I know you're sick of hearing:

1) You're "bossy" or always have to be in charge of something. You may not hear it a lot, but you hear it enough.

2) Slick comment about YOUR slick comments. . .you know, people trying to decode your sense of humor.

3) You should be a little more outgoing.

4) People trying to tell you what to do with your life. . .the nerve.

Aquarius, I know you're sick of hearing:

1) You like to do things for attention. You always have your reasons, right?

2) People's lame ass excuses. It boggles your mind.

3) Why you seem so "standoffish" or distant. Nothing wrong with being a little selective or moving with caution is there?

4) That you don't express your emotions enough. Ugh!

Pisces, I know you're sick of hearing:

1) You're always imagining things or that you "daydream" too much.

2) How you're always in your feelings. We all have feelings though. . .so what's the big deal?

3) People going off of what other people say. You like facts!!!

4) That you're needy, clingy, too attached. . .and all the other things that pretty much characterize you as too dependent on others.

Hi everyone! I just wanna say thank you very much for all the reads, votes and comments. It means a lot to me.

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