news chapter 12

193 12 1

Because today is Saturday

Rowan and Peyton - Reyton baby

Reyton - yeah

Rowan and Peyton - we're getting ready for Uncle Corey to come over

Reyton - yayyyyyyyyyy

They laugh

Rowan and Peyton - love you baby girl

Reyton - love you

A knock on the door

Rowan and Peyton - Corey Ceci come in

Corey and Ceci - thank you

Reyton - Uncle Corey

Corey picks her up swirls her around

Ceci - she's so cute

Rowan and Peyton - thank you

Reyton - we have news for you two

Corey and Ceci - us

Reyton - yeah

Corey and Ceci - what Reyton

Reyton - I get to be you're daughter

She's so excited she can't stand still

Corey and Ceci - wait what

Rowan and Peyton - Michael put Rey in the show she plays you're daughter

Reyton - don't you just love it  if do she smiles

Corey and Ceci - this amazing really amazing

Rowan and Peyton - but Corey

Corey - yeah

Rowan and Peyton - you have to promise that at the of tapings and everything you have to give our  Reyton baby back OK

Corey - yeah I will

Rowan and Peyton - thank you Corey

Corey - un-huh

Ceci - she really gets to be  our daughter 

Rowan and Peyton - our baby girl is you're TV daughter it is  true

Corey and Ceci - yes she's amazing

Reyton - aww thank you

Rowan and Peyton - Rey baby what are you doing

She starts moving

Reyton - I can't sit still mommy daddy  I just  can't

Rowan and Peyton - we see did you have candy we don't know about

Reyton - No I promise

Rowan and Peyton - Reyton Elizabeth Meyer

Reyton - I really promise I didn't mommy daddy

They look at each other then back at her

Rowan and Peyton - No candy baby girl

Reyton - No

Corey and Ceci - that's all energy she's full of it's all her

Rowan and Peyton - un-huh 

Reyton Really can't stop moving

Rowan and Peyton - Rey watch the table baby

Reyton - OK

Corey and Ceci - how are you going to get her to sit

Rowan and Peyton - in 5 more minutes she'll stop

Corey and Ceci - how do you know

Rowan and Peyton - she likes to draw everyday at 4 pm

Corey and Ceci - what up with the time

Rowan and Peyton - 4 pm my little pony which she loves she draws them to

Reyton runs to her room

Rowan and Peyton - Reyton baby

Reyton - my little pony mommy daddy

Rowan and Peyton - see She loves it

Corey and Ceci - aww

Reyton - pony time yayyyyyyyyyy

They laugh

Rowan and Peyton - she is ours

Corey and Ceci - un-huh

Rowan and Peyton - she watches like it's her job

Reyton - ponies

Corey and Ceci - wow

Rowan and Peyton - she came into  the world happy and we're going to teach her everything about it for now we give her last moments of being a normal kid again

Corey and Ceci - true She will need them and want them so why not

Rowan and Peyton - exactly because fame has it's hard times and we want her to not be destroyed by the fame monster as parents we'regoing to make sure she safe from it for as long as possible

Reyton Unwritten Sequel to He's 17 She's 14 Reyton  By Quanisha Pool जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें