GMW Reunion chapter 4

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At the reunion

Michael - OK guys ready

Rowan and Peyton - yeah

Michael - it's been 5 years since we've all seen them

By the way this reunion is in front of a live audience

Michael - I give you Corey Fogelmanis Sabrina Carpenter Amir towns August Maturo Ben Savage Danielle Fishel and finally you guys know them as Riley and Lucas give it up for Rowan and Peyton Meyer

They clap

Michael - Michael Jacobs as you all know find out what our cast been up to since the Show wrapped hi guys what have you been up to

Sabrina - I'm still touring it's amazing that albums are doing great and I just want to say that I really miss the cast US waking up coming to set and being together

Michael - is there any memories that you guys like the most

Corey - my favorite memory was when Rowan  and Sabrina had to come find us in the studio

Rowan and Sabrina - that was fun 

Peyton and Corey - we thought the girls were going to kill us that day

Rowan and Sabrina - No it was sweet very sweet

Michael - August Amir what about you

Amir - I definitely missed rehearsals the fun times it was a good time and I will remember this forever

Michael - August you

August - I miss everything I miss the sets being around these amazing people everyday Every chance we got

Michael - Rowan Peyton what's it like being parents  to Reyton

Rowan and Peyton - Reyton  is our everything she is sunshine we love her being parents is one of the greatest gift we could have ever gotten

Michael - that is very sweet  I Met her let me tell you she's adorable

Rowan and Peyton - thank you Michael

Michael - Ben Danielle what would you say you miss most about Girl Meets World

Ben and Danielle  - being Cory and Topanga is a close second we definitely miss Corey and Sabrina Rowan and Peyton we miss all the kids who weren't  kids anymore we're very proud of them

All of them - aww we miss you too Ben and Danielle

Michael - now the audience wants to know what happened with Corbrina Corey Sabrina

Corey - we were always busy to busy for each other

Sabrina - and it hurt us so we broke up at a result of it but I'll always love Corey

Corey - and I'll always love Sabrina

The audience - aww

Michael - I definitely miss you all so much

All of them - aww Michael

The audience - can we get pictures

All of them - yes

They run out into the audience and take pictures and sign autographs

And cast take pictures together as well

Their laughing and talking hugging  like old times

Sabrina - you Peyton going strong still

Reyton Unwritten Sequel to He's 17 She's 14 Reyton  By Quanisha Pool Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz