= Preface =

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Throughout my journey as an admin of WarriorsOfTheCentury, I've always taken some time to reflect on why I decided to join this account; why I wanted to be in a joint account in the first place.

I never wanted to be in a joint account before, as I thought it was too much work for me to handle. However, I realised that the amount of workload does not matter, as long as I get to meet new people, and work on special projects with them. The bonds of friendship and trust is important in life, even if one does not realise that now.

I never regretted my decision to join this group of enthusiastic fans of Warriors - I share their excitement and drive to promote the amazing series.

My time here with Century has made me aware of new situations, and those situations taught me how to deal with them.

This book is dedicated to our 1000 Yearlets that have followed us as our account grow. Without all of you, we would've never made it this far. Losing followers, gaining followers, or even staying on the same number of followers for quite some time - that has all happened before.

What does this book contain, you might ask? This book will showcase a truer side of us, or rather our Warrior OCs. In this book, there will be challenges for all of us to overcome, and you - Yearlets - get a chance to sign up your OC to get featured in this book.

This represents change, something we all have difficulty accepting at one point. I have to admit, I really dislike change. I hate to see loved ones go, friends around me replaced with stangers, and more. However, I do know that without change, there will be no progress, and without progress, it's hard to achieve anything at all.

So now, I bring you all a gift. A gift to tell everyone out there - change doesn't mean people you love leaving you forever. Strangers are just friends you've yet to meet.

And with that said, I now bring you...

And with that said, I now bring you

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~ Sky ❄

Note: I will not be the only one writing this. This will be a collaboration between all admins.

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