Part 1 Chapter 7 Catch Up

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You may not have gathered but I'm not a YouTuber. I have only met Caspar and Joe out of the YouTube family but as you know that's obvious reasons. My job is photography. That's right I'm a professional photographer. I'd like to say I'm professional but I've only done it for two years. I knew straight after doing it for A level I wanted a career in it. And I love it! In my eyes it's more exciting than working behind a counter or desk. Or slaving away under a sink or on a roof... (Joe)

I'm lucky enough to travel around the world and take some insane landscapes but just recently I've been asked to do shoots with models and celebrities and to be honest I don't know what to think. It's so exciting but also nerve racking. Luckily I don't need to decide for a little while on what to do.

Considering I work with cameras everyday I've never shown my face on YouTube. When I lived back at home in South Africa I never even popped my head in shot when Caspar was filming.

But I think now it's time to tell you the truth.

I'm not actually related to Caspar and I wasn't born in South Africa. I was actually adopted by Emily when I was 3. Then Theo came along then Caspar and I lived a happy life and always have. I don't keep this from anyone, I always tell them but I was just a little bit cautious with you guys as I don't really know you that well.

So now you know about me. I'm 23, adopted, born in the UK, raised in South Africa, been to University, I'm a self taught photographer and... YEP that's all there is to know... Oh wait, and I've just caught my first boyfriend! (Not that social am I?)


Emma said yes.

I'm so fond of her, I just want to tell everyone that I'm going out with someone after so many years. And I feel like I've known her in a different life; we get on so well. I hope I last longer than five minuets with her not like my previous relationships. I'd hope so because a) that would be very awkward between me and Caspar b) Our friendship would have fallen apart and c) I would be single... once again.

I've always been pretty darn sh.t at talking to girls, that brings me back to the time I first met Emma. But she's so calm and friendly she can make you feels right at home. Like I've mentioned before.

Right. Sorry but I'm going to have to head off, Caspar has just come back and Emma and I have a little bit of news to tell him.

Caspar's Friend.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon