20 peice chicken MC.nuggets

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Well it all started when the first caveman discover that you were able to eat a chicken. When the caveman figured that out, throughout the future people started to eat chicken Mc nugget. that everybody is going to McDonald's and eating all the fatty food that is not good for you and It can kill all the calories and make it externally fat face. slaughtered thousand, hundred, billion could trillion of chickens. They would just rub the chicken all over papo's greasy head (my grandpas greasy head)and then just throw it in the microwave and then in the microwave explodes that means it's ready to give it to the people who like to eat fattening food that will give you diabetes and give you a heart attack or cramp on your toe.

I just want to say to all the chicken family I am so sorry for all your loss of slaughtering all your chicken children, chicken grandmas,chicken mothers,chicken elders,and chicken pets and most of all the chicken toes so I shout out to all those chicken families even though we're still slaughtering even more per day you just got to be careful cause were just going to slaughter you,were just going to cut off your head actually we put that in the chicken Mc nuggets but nobody will never noticed that. that's why the chicken nuggets are so crispy but you guys like the food at McDonald's but.....

   Chicken McNuggets🐔

    To be continued....................

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