The Continuation

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Sorry everyone who was waiting on this for a long time. I'm back children!! Love ya guys!!! <3

Jack: I'm Bi, mostly lean towards guys though....

Mark: I'm gay :) So see ya tomorrow?

Jack: Yep

Mark: Okay- night

Sent at 11:39
Jack: G'night goober <3


Mark didn't have a fear in the world now that Jack had come along. He wanted to speak for himself but...well...couldn't. Usually Mark didn't believe in love at first sight- or love at first Irish guy defending me at the bus/ on the bus stop.

He just had some odd craving to see Jack and even though he knew in a few hours he would the thought was nipping at him like a bug. So quickly he unlocked his phone and sent a text to someone he knew would still be awake.

Markifloofer: Help. Now

Danisnotonfire: Mark why are you texting at  1 a.m

Markifloofer: You replied didn't you?

Danisnotonfire: Tru, what's wrong ya spork

Markifloofer: The new kid at our school- I'm having mag problems

Danisnotonfire: You tell me having to stare into his beautiful blue eyes all day!

Markifloofer: Wat? You know Jack?

Danisnotonfire: ....I thought we were talking about Phil Lester- anyways. Just talk to him

Markifloofer: You mother flooder

Danisnotonfire: That's not what I meant child!

PhanIsReal: Go to sleep Dutch bags!

Markifloofer: Sorry Felix

*LordMinion777 has changed his name to MarkXJack*

Markifloofer: Wade!

Dad: Wade!

MarkXJack: Hi Bob

Dad: All of you go to sleep!

Danisnotonfire: I'm helping someone for once

Dad: Child don't sass me!

*PhanIsReal,Markifloofer,Danisnotonfire,MarkXJack has logged off*

Mark sighed deeply stuffing his face into his pillow.

"I'm screwed" He thought. All of his mind was occupied with Jack- What if he started to think Mark was clingy or weird but he just really wanted to be with Jack, he couldn't talk so there was no point.
Mark reluctantly woke up to being smothered in kisses from his mother who he had to push of himself. Mark furrowed his brow and forgot he was mute for a split second when he attempted to yell

"MOM!" Which only came out as an odd grunt.

Once again he repeated his average everyday routine. A black beanie, band shirt, black jeans, and red converse was what he groggily decided on.

Today he was actually a bit excited to go to school, since well Jack would be there.

Of course he didn't see Jack because he got on the bus before Mark, so Mark was looking over every seat. He looked over to Dan who was biting his lip whilst looking at Phil. They'd known each other for actually a while, well he'd known Mark and Phil for as long. So Mark smiled wide to himself when Dan pushed his lips to Phil and Phil kissed back.

"Good job Daniel" He mouthed walking bye.

"Mark over here" He knew the voice and looked over- it was obviously Jack. Maybe today wasn't going to be terrible.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2016 ⏰

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