July 16th

366 25 1

Day 12:

I woke up in his apartment. Not too shabby.

I wasn't sleeping with him. I was on the couch.

I do remember feeling really panicky about being here.

What if he doesn't remember?

What if he thinks I'm a creep?

Why did he put the painting there? Totally throws off everything around it.

Why am I even here?

This isn't how it's supposed to be.

Im not supposed to be here.

All of those thoughts were running through my head. When I finally sorted them out, I heard a few footsteps and grumble.

"Hey Stump." He whispered lazily.

"Water helps. Eat too. Your apartment is nice, sorry I can't stay. I shouldn't be here." I managed to say as he stared at me with tired eyes. I didn't even know what the time was.

I helped him to his apartment and he insisted I stay for my "good deed" when I know he was expecting a little more.

He made a bed on the couch somehow and scrambled to his bed.

That's all I remember.

Does this make me a bad person?

Elevator Encounters- PeterickWhere stories live. Discover now