Chapter 18: We're In For One Heck Of A Ride

Start from the beginning

❤️Riley's POV❤️
I collapsed on Alec once I was on the bus luckily I pre packed last night, he wrapped us up in the blanket it was too late it was 9:00 in the evening they wanted us to have as much time as we could here. Which I like I did like it I had a lot of fun I'm just so tired from all of this weekend. Except so happy because Alec and I are together my mom will be proud of me for getting with someone again. Once we got home it was 2:00 so I drive everyone home then said goodnight to Alec and went inside and went to sleep. I woke up at 1:30 in the afternoon on Tuesday, I stretched and smiled, as I sat up I saw something yellow on my face and took it off, a sticky note?
'Hi :)' I don't have to take long to know who it is I can tell just by the writing, my boyfriend Alec Rinder. I haven't told mom yet! I jump out of bed and race downstairs only to be disappointed when I find a note on the counter,
-Catch up on last weeks homework
-mom :-)
It's written in her fancy hand writing I get started on the dishes before I head downstairs to start on the laundry which is mostly my own from this weekend. After I've started the laundry I put in my earbuds and start on calculus, then my other work my eyes start to hurt after a couple hours and I decide to give myself a break. I look across the curtains are still closed, is he still sleeping? I push my window open a little wider then climb through it and down the steep slope then jump across to Alec's roof, I crawl in through his window and gently throw back the curtains and close them once I'm in. He's sleeping peacefully on his bed, I pull the comforter back and climb in snuggling in with him. He groans then his eyes flicker open he's shocked to see me at first then he smiles, "Well isn't this a nice little surprise," He says tasering me in the side, I start to giggle, "Stop, stop," I say giggling as he pins me to tickle my sides before he presses his lips to mine, kissing me deeply, "I missed you," Alec says, "For one night?" I ask, "Yeah," he says, "Or I guess I'm going to miss you," he adds, standing up, "Wait what? What do you mean?" I ask him, "Well I'm going to visit my grand parents in Cuckoo," he say, I sit up, "Cuckoo? That's twelve hours away," I say, "Yeah so I won't be here for a week," he adds taking a bite of the sandwich on his dresser, "But we've only been dating for four days, isn't there some way you can just stay?" I ask him, wrapping my arms around his neck, he wraps his arms around my waist, "It'll only be Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, that's all mom can take off," he says, "Plus you get me for Wednesday, Thursday, when's your birthday?" He asks me, "May 21st," I answer, "and we started dating on April 2nd," Alec says, I nod, "Yes why?" I ask, "That'll be 1 month and a half on your birthday assuming..." He says dragging off, "Assuming what?" I ask him, "Assuming we're still together, you'll probably claw my eyes out by then because this is like a first for me," he says sighing I kiss him on the lips, hoping it'll help his worried questions, "When's your birthday?" I ask him, "May 7th," he adds I kiss him once more before breaking apart and decided to go home and do some more homework, "Thanks for the note," I say, "No problem babe," Alec says winking at me, I smile then head downstairs seeing as it 3:30 that mom will be home. "Riley, I went upstairs but you weren't there," mom says, "Oh I was over at Alec's," I say jabbing my thumb over towards his house, "Is there something going on between you too?" Mom asks eyeing me suspiciously, "Ummm actually yeah, we are a thing now," I say she looks up at me, "Thing?" Mom asks, "Well Alec and I are dating now it happened on Saturday," I say, "Oh my god that's great Riley!" Mom says gasping, "But just so you know I kinda already knew," mom says, "What?" I ask her, "Marie texted me," mom says oh yeah makes sense. I guess it would be a big thing in his house because of his last relationship status which was player, I'm still trying to get over that I'm dating a guy who used to be a player. "Anyways I've got to go, but I love you darling I'll see you soon," mom says, kissing me on the forehead then leaving, I smile then walk over to the living room, and start watching tv while Ava and Mark play on the floor together. I watch Mistresses which is really good too, then get a text from Alec,
Babe: If you really don't want me to go to my grandparents I'll stay at home
Me: Go I'll be fine it sounds like you don't see them often
Babe: More than often actually
Me: Oh well it doesn't matter to me
Babe: it does and tbh ide want to go in a car for 12 hours with 3 younger siblings
Me: oh I see well then you should just stay so you don't miss any school ;)
Babe: Alright :)
I sigh then turn off the tv and go upstairs to work on some homework, Alec's next door punching the bag that he has, "Who you beating up?" I ask sitting on my day bed and forgetting homework, "No one," he grunts, "Your face doesn't look like no one," I say, "Tiana and Toby," he sighs, "Ooh can I help?" I ask him, "Sure," he says is change into shorts and jump across, he presses play on his stereo and we start listening to the pop music radio. He helps wrap my knuckles and I start punching the bag, "No, no, no," Alec says, "Your thumb like this you can break your knuckles like that," Alec says putting my thumb on top of the other fingers I start punching and kicking again, "Your good," Alec say, I step back so he can take a turn. The door opens, "Alec you need-" she cuts herself off, "Riley, how are you?" Marie asks, "I'm better thanks," I say, "Alec clean up this room and laundry downstairs now," Marie says then closes the door, I kiss him goodbye then head across the houses. I shower, get dressed, and head downstairs to start on dinner or if moms home eat dinner. She isn't so I start cooking fried chicken and make a Caesar salad with rice that has corn, bacon, and eggs in it. Mom just walks in the door when I'm dishing the kids up, "Mom you made it just in time," I say, "Oooh what'd you make?" Mom asks happily, "Fried chicken, fried rice, and Caesar salad," I says she nods and starts dishing herself up as I put the kids at the table, "How was work today?" I ask mom starting some conversation, "It was good, my boss gave me a raise but he talked about my future," mom said, "You got that raise that's good," I said, "He told me I was a bright young lady and that since I already have all these degrees I should put them to use making more money and enjoying it," mom adds, "And now what are you thinking?"

"Riley I don't know to be honest, I mean he's right about my degrees and I got them I should at least give them a chance and if it doesn't work out then I know he'll take me back, and with your father gone we need to make more money,"

"Oh so are you going to the family doctor thing, or the personal insurance thing?" I ask

"Riwey I don't wike my rice," Ava says,

"Well you have to eat it," mom says,

"I think I am Riley, I have all the clothes and the degree for it, plus some places around town need help," mom says, I smile and start clapping, she smiles to. When we finish dinner, I walk into the kitchen, "Oh Riley I have to go to a important meeting, and I need you to watch the kids," mom says, "Okay, see you in awhile," I say, she kisses my forehead, "Oh and Riley if you have Alec over you know the rules no boyfriends in the bedroom only girlfriends," mom says, I smile and nod then she clothes the front door and leaves. I finish the dishes and sit on the couch playing on my phone. The front door creaks open, "All those curves and me with no breaks," Alec says smiling, "So cheesy and me with no pizza," I say, he looks taken back, "And mom just dropped the bomb no boyfriends in the bedroom," I add, "So you would fuck me?" Alec whispers into my ear massaging my shoulders, "Maybe," I reply back, he sits on the couch beside me, and turns on the tv to start flicking through the channels. "Your mom know about us?" Alec asks, wrapping an arm around my shoulders, "Yeah your parents?" I ask, "Yeah they both know," he says, "You know what would be totally awesome?" Alec adds smiling wildly, "If you came with me to my grandparents,"

"I don't know babe, I mean we've only been dating for four days,"

"But you already know my parents pretty well, and I've already met your grandparents already,"

"I thought you said you weren't going?"

"Well I haven't exactly asked my mom yet,"

"I feel like there's something your not telling me, you didn't sound all that thrilled about going in the first place, they live pretty far away by the sounds of it," I add,

"Well to be honest there's this girl down there and we kinda had a thing in the past but it was just like the other girls at this school except more constant," he says, I sigh and feel uncomfortable a little bit, I have to except that was his past life that isn't him now. He checks his watch, "At least think about?" He asks, kisses me on the forehead and leaves, after he leaves I get the kids tucked into bed and head to my bed myself. Then pass out I'm so exhausted, Alec wears me out. And I love it.

🙃Guys I have a confession to make, I googled all the comebacks and pickup lines. I really suck at those sorry. How do you feel about Alec and Riley? Let me know with a comment and rate. Thnx🙃

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