Chapter 20: I'm Not Strong

Start from the beginning

Oh, Lorenzo. If only you knew the truth. I'm not strong. I'm going to kill myself at the end of the school year! Just like I did with my family.


At my house, after school, I hear a knock on the door. It can't be Lorenzo, he never knocks, and it can't be the delivery guys, I didn't order anything. Padding down the hall, I peer out of the peephole and see Kyliane. Interesting.

Opening the door, I say, "Hey, Kyliane. What can I do for you?"

" Umm...I was wondering if you'd want to take a walk with me," he says nervously.

I lift an eyebrow at his request.

"Totally platonic, of course!"

"I guess, we just have to be finish before five o'clock. I have to work. Let me change. It won't take long."

I run upstairs and change from my sweats to a black and white striped shirt, black jeans, black boots, then I pull a cream-colored trench coat over it. I look at myself in the mirror and smile. Lorenzo would be proud. I grab my wallet, keys, and my phone and stuff it into my black messenger bag on the way out of the house.

"So where do you want to walk?" I ask.

"I don't know, I'm still not familiar with the territory. Could you maybe give me a tour?" Kyliane asks.

"Sure, of course."

We walk through Yasfen which only takes like an hour. I take him to the center of the town and we sit on a bench in the grass that is the town's center.

"Why'd you want to walk?"

"Well, I needed to take my mind off of things that have been bothering me and this helped a lot. Thank you," Kyliane explains.

"You know, Kyliane, you can always talk to me. I'm here to lend a hand if you need it," I gently coax.

"It's just my dad and stepmom. They've been constantly fighting. I think he's cheating on her. I never liked her, but she doesn't deserve to be cheated on. When I was younger, my mom died in a car accident and my dad never got over it. He loved her to death. He became an alcoholic and dealt with grief through women and alcohol. I may as well have lost him, too. I moved here with Lorenzo to escape our old town. Too many memories."

"I'm so sorry, Kyliane."

I lean over to hug him and his touch is warm but it doesn't spark like Lorenzo's touch. It's a friendly touch.

"So how do you know Lorenzo?" I ask to lighten the mood.

"Well, we went to school together. We met in kindergarten. I was getting picked on by the school bully, and when I ran off, I ran into Lorenzo. He helped me. Not only with the bully, but with my dad and my mom's death."

"That's Lorenzo for you, always helping others," I chuckle.

"Linnea, I really-"

Kyliane gets cut off by the sound of my watch going off. I set an alarm for when I had to go to work.

"I'm so sorry, Kyliane. Maybe we can finish this later?"

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