Meeting the Dursleys

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Harry's P.O.V.

Today my parents, Sirius and I are going to visit the Dursleys, this will be fun(note the sarcasm). After we have all eaten breakfast we head down to Hogsmeade, of course they were invisible. Kingsley ordered the reporters to not reveal them, so it would be quite a shock if they were seen walking around. Once we make it past the crowd of adoring fans we to the trees to apperate. Sometimes I wish I was invisible too so I didn't have to deal with these people.

"I know my son would always have crowds of girls after him" Dad says proudly, I roll my eyes and Mum scoffs.

"They only like me because I'm the Chosen One, or the Boy-Who-Lived" I chuckle. I grab onto Mum and Dad, Sirius grabs my shoulder and we apperate to the Dursley's. We stand in silence for a minute staring at the building. Defiantly was not looking forward to this

"Well here it is" I say walking up to the front door. I reach over and knock on the door. A large beefy man answers the door and immediately gets angry.

"You!" Uncle Vernon growls. Great I think as I step around him. I feel Mum, Dad, and Sirius brush past me as they try to squeeze past the whale of a man between them and the door.

"Yeah, me" I say blankly. I walked into the living room, ignoring Vernon gaping at me. The one good thing about this is I could wait to see to look on his face when I took the spell off of everyone else. As I entered the room I saw Petunia and Dudley sitting on the couch watching tv. I walked to one of the armchair and sat down. The expression on their faces when they noticed me reminded me of a goldfish. Petunia looked horrified and disgusted and Dudley just looked shocked.

"B-b-but you l-left," She stuttered, "you said there was war." By now Vernon was in the rooms entrance glaring at me. I just glared back and stood my ground. I felt someone grab my shoulder and assumed it was my Mum.

"Yeah, we won," I said icily, "Something happened that we figured you would want to know about, also someone want to have a word with you." With that I took the spell off of everyone else. If I thought they looked like goldfish before that was nothing compared to now. We all stood in silence for a moment, the Dursleys trying to work out what was going on. "I assume you know my father James, my mother Lily, and my mass-murdering godfather Sirius Black," I said smirking. 

"Petunia, good to see you again," Dad said mock bowing to her. She looked even more horrified than before. "Harry do you still have stuff here?" He asked glancing at me. I nodded and he turned his head back to Petunia. "Go pack it up." And so I walked back towards that stairs and Vernon scrambled out of the way. Petunia must have told Dudley to go with me because I heard footsteps behind me. We reached my room before either of us said a word.

"Hi Dudley, how did the wizards from the Order treat you?" I asked as I started to gather my things. I glanced back at him as he shrugged, still looking a bit shaken up. I sighed and pulled out my mokeskin bag that Hagrid gave me. All I really had here was textbooks, clothes, and random wizarding things that I had no use for, but I packed everything anyways. I winced as I hear shouting from downstairs

"Are those really your parents?" he asks suddenly. He hands me my copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them. I nod as I take the book and put it in the bag. He looked confused, I was too.

"We don't know how, something to do with a prophecy. To be honest it's a little awkward. I mean I met them for the first time a few days ago, but now I'm supposed to call them Mum and Dad," I say with a sigh. I run my hand through my hair and glance around the room, everything was packed. As the shouting quieted I grabbed my bag and stepped towards the door. Dudley wiped his hands on his pants as he followed me out. I walked down the stairs and entered the living room. Mum and Dad were angrily glaring at Vernon and Petunia. Sirius was standing in the corner trying not to laugh. "I'm ready to go," I say stepping into the room. Everyone jumped and my parents and Sirius nodded. We started walking to the door, but I stopped as we passed Dudley. "I'll send you an owl sometime. To reply just write a letter, give it to the owl, and tell them to take it to me," I explain. He nods and holds his hand out for me to shake. I oblige and continue out the door. We walk in silence back to the street. I guess we weren't going to talk about it. I hold my hands out, everyone grabs on, and we apperate back to Hogsmeade.

"Hey, Harry what did you mean when you called Sirius a mass-murderer?" Dad asks as we walked back to the castle. Oh great now I have to explain this whole mess I thought, but luckily Sirius stepped in. 

"After Peter gave you up I went after him, but he told everyone that I was your secret-keeper. I confronted him and he shot off a spell that killed a bunch of muggles, then turned into a rat and faked his death. I was given a life sentence in Azkaban without a trial. I was there for 13 years before I escaped as Padfoot," Sirius explains to my dad. A shocked look passed over his face and he and Mum turned pale.

"You spent 13 years with the dementors?" Mum asked with horror. He nods grimly and turns away.

"I haven't had good experiences with dementors either," I say quietly, shaking my head. Dad looks at me curiously, obviously wanting to know more. I sigh and continue. "Every time I go near them I can hear you guys die, that was the only reason I recognized your voices when I first heard you," I whisper, just loud enough for them to hear. Mum gasps and starts to talk, but I cut her off. "I don't want to talk about right now," I say as I head back towards the castle. I just couldn't talk about that part anymore.

A/N- I'M SORRY. I know I swore to update, but I completely forgot and started a new fanfic, which I fully intend to finish. I'm still a bit on the fence about this one, I'll at least try to get to the end of them watching Harrys memories. I also completely rewrote this chapter so tell me what you think. The new fic I'm writing is called The Silver Dragon, it is an inheritance cycle fic. If you read the Eragon series you might like it, so go check it out. I already have 2 chapters out and am posting another tomorrow. Again sorry the update took so long, if you have any suggestions please tell me. Siriusly I need all the help I can get with this fic.

Jily Returns (A Harry Potter  Fan FicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora