Marauders reunited

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Important a/n at the bottom please read!!!!

Harrys P.O.V.

As me and Ginny floo to the ministry I see people everywhere, it's chaos. We slip through the crowd and start heading to the Department of Mysteries. I bump into someone and they turn around and look at me "Y-your H-h-harry potter" he stutters as people look around at me whispering. Great now people know we are here. "Yes I know that can you please move I need to get to the Department of Mysteries" I say moving around him. "I'll escort you" He says looking eager to help. He starts to take us to the Department of Mysteries. I could tell that he wanted to ask me something, but was hesitant to do so. When we got to the door
I start running to the veil, leaving the man with Ginny. As I reach the rocky arch I see a black lump in front of it. I gently turn the lump over, it's padfoot ( by padfoot I mean he is a dog right now ) . Being very careful I pick up the large black dog and walk back to the door."What is that?" the man asks looking at sirius. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you," I said. Soon we were already back at the fireplaces. "How do you think Sirius will react to your dad being back?" Ginny asks grabbing a handful of floo powderI shrug and step into the fireplace and yell "Hogwarts!"

I step with Ginny into the headmasters office holding sirius in my arms. " PADFOOT " my dad pretty much screams running to me. I set Sirius down on dumbledores desk. "What happened" Dad says while examining padfoot. "I don't know I found him like this" I sigh. Suddenly the dogs eyes snap open and he jumps up looking around his eyes land on me. His tail starts wagging as he runs and jumps on me . After a while of his running around me and Ginny he backs away and turns into sirius. "Harry! What happened last thing I remember is fighting the death eaters and then waking up here. Did they get the prophecy? How long have I been out? " Sirius says all in one breath. "Sirius when we were fighting, Bellatrix, well she killed you, that was two years ago" Ginny says nervously. Sirius stares at her in shock before shaking his head. "What happened, how am I alive now" he asks looking at me. "It has something to do with a prophecy, but your not the only one that's back" Dumbledore says pointing to himself and the potters. " You died!?" Padfoot shouts before turning to the potters looking angry. " HOW DARE YOU IMPERSONATE LILY AND JAMES YOU INSENSITIVE DEATH EATERS " he screams as me and Ginny hold him back. "They're real, trust me I checked" I say making him sit down. Dad stands up and turns into a large stag with markings like glasses around its eyes. "Prongs?" Sirius whispered touching the stags head, the deer nodded it's head before backing away and turning back to James.

James pov

As soon as I turn back Sirius jumps on me. "Oh prongs I missed you so much" he says squeezing the life out of me. When finally backs away he turns to lily and does the same thing. Just then Molly Weasley bursts through the door crying."Their body's are gone" she wails throwing herself on Ginny. "Who's body's Mrs.Weasley" Harry says calming her down. "Fred, Tonks and Remus" she chokes out ignoring the four dead people in the room. Harry starts pulling stuff out of his pocket until he finds a old piece of parchment. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" I her him mutter as lines start criss crossing the paper. "You got the map?" I asked quietly. Harry smiled and nodded in return. "It happened again" he says grinning ear to ear. "What happened" Molly says wiping her eyes. "Mom there has been a new prophecy and the people closest to Harry are coming back to life, look around you" Ginny says stepping back from her mom. She turns and looks at us, then runs and hugs us. "Is Fred alive" she asks Harry after backing away from us. "I think so" he says pointing the the map. "Then let's go find my son" she says walking to the door with Harry.

Harrys pov

I look at the map and see that Tonks and Remus are the closest. "This way" I start heading down a corridor looking for them. They are standing at the end of the hallway. I start sprinting to them and launch myself on Remus. "Hey Harry what's up" He says hugging me back. "Come with me" I say pulling them back to Molly, she hugs them too. After looking at the map I head to the fourth floor looking for Fred. A while later I see him walking around staring at the castle. "Oi Fred come here" I yell, he walks over and I hug him. I explain what happened as we walk back to Molly who was explaining it to Tonks and Remus. As soon as she sees Fred she hugs him not letting go. I start taking everyone back to dumbledores office. As I open the door I notice all of the Weasleys are there. George immediately launches himself at Fred. I lead Remus over to where my parents and sirius are. "Moony " Sirius shrieks hugging him. "Padfoot, prongs, Lily, your all here" he says hugging my dad. "The marauders are back together" my dad says hugging Remus. "James we never broke up"

A/N I finally finished editing this chapter. I didn't really change much because I'm lazy. I have a very important question for the people who follow this story. Well two questions. First question, do you want me to bring Hedwig back? Second question, should I do a face reveal? Answer in the comments. Bye!

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