Crap, he though she would just blow a fuse and get over it, she was absent minded after all. But it seemed that Karma underestimated her ability to be able to hold a grudge.

(Y/N) and Karma didn't say anything for a while, but Karma did turn around to stare at her but as he thought, she was to absent minded to even realize that he was looking straight at her.

(Y/N) was to busy thinking about her new house arrangements with her homeroom teacher.

She knew, after they killed Koro-sensei, she would have no other choice but go to the authorities after this was all done. It was quite depressing thinking about it.

She knew she would never get adopted because most people who adopt children, want younger kids like babies or 4-year-olds. Not high school kids.

(Y/N) sighed for the millionth time today. It was barley even 8 o'clock and she was already becoming stressed out. Fantastic.

Suddenly, as (Y/N) looked up, she came face to face with a frowning red head. She flinched back into her chair. (Y/N) just wanted to slap him.

"What was that for, Akabane?!" (Y/N) shouted, her eyes turning red for a small instant, telling Karma she was slightly angry.

He didn't move or even flinch at her remark, only stared intensely at (Y/N), making her rather uncomfortable. She stared into his gold cat like eyes.

"W-what?" (Y/N) whispered out. A small blush was noticeable on (Y/N)'s (t/s) cheeks.

It almost made Karma break from his poker face.


"Why are you calling me Akabane-kun, (Y/N)?" Karma questioned the girl.

He didn't know why, but he was very determined into making this strange girl say his actual name out loud.

(Y/N)'s blush suddenly faded, to be replaced but a confused look. "Why would I call you Akabane-kun? We aren't close like I originally thought, so I switched to a more formal way, is there a problem with that?" (Y/N) raised an eyebrow at the red sadist. But was perplexed by his expression.

His face twisted with confusion, frustration, something else she couldn't identify, and oddly enough, anger. A burning anger that made her flinch.

"We aren't close as you though?" He hissed out. The words falling off his tounge like vemon. "What the hell is that suppose to mean?!"

(Y/N) couldn't wrap her head around it. Why did he care in the first place? It isn't like he gained enough trust from her, hell! All he's been doing is stabbing her in the back! And he feels violated?!

(Y/N)'s eyes turned into a dark red, darker than her usual color of anger. She sent him a deadly glare as her arura went dark.

"Are you kidding me?" She hissed out.

(Y/N) rose from her seat, slowly and steadily. She over towered Karma, were she had to lower her glaze to look at him.

"You expect me, to have trust in you?!" She yelled. "After all you did, you expect me to call you Karma, just like that?! I've given you enough choices to redeam yourself after almost killing me! And you expect me to call you Karma?!"

She was beyond mad, beyond anything that this classroom has even seen. To bad this isn't her highest mode.

Student after student trickled in during their little episode.

But those two failed to even realize the two teachers standing in the door way along with about five students, who suddenly felt uncomfortable.

(Y/N) sent Karma a disgusted look, directly for him. Made with love. "You are something else, Akabane-kun."

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