Food & Feelings

Começar do início

Well, that was rude.

I headed to the elevator, calling for it to this floor. Waiting patiently, playing with the bangle what adorned my wrist to make the time pass alittle faster. The elevator doors opened to reveal a suit clad Randy.

Normal casual clothed Randy is good. Suit clad Randy is even better.

Suits just make a guy look even more hotter and classier, it's a fact. Well, not a confirmed fact but I'm sure loads of ladies will agree with me.

He looked up and bit his lip, going into a grin.

Should I feel nervous that he's just standing there mentally undressing me with his eyes? Probably yes, nervousness with a hint of excitement.

"I was just coming to come and get you."

"Oh..well..", I shrugged not exactly linking what to say.

"Can I not be a gentleman for you Mel?", he smirked.

"Not like you was punctual anyway, you're four minutes late."

Randy kept his smirk as he held out his hand out for me to take; which I did, and pulled in into the elevator to make our way down to the lobby.


"You excited for Sunday?", I asked as I dug into my pasta.

Randy put his knife and fork down and took a sip of his wine, smirking slightly.

Gosh, this guy is always smirking. Do his cheekbones not hurt from all this smirking and grinning? Like, seriously.

"Must we talk about wrestling?", Randy asked.

"Well what else is there to talk about?"

"Maybe you could explain to me why you didn't speak to me for a week.", he shrugged lightly.


Think Melody, think.

"Well it's not like you bothered to talk to me either that week..", I replied.

"Touché", he smirked. "But no seriously, you were there when you helped me last week and then the next day you never came and checked up on me."

"It's not like you can't look after yourself.."

"Yeah but it would have been nice to have you there.", he answered.

Him saying that made me feel bad for not checking on him. I mean I did say I would, but I didn't. I looked down and sighed as I continued eating.

"But to answer your question, I am excited.", Randy nodded, referring to my question I asked him beforehand.


"You gonna be there for when I get back to my locker room?", he asked.

"As always.", I nodded with a small smile.

It was just routine these days for me to be waiting for Randy in his locker room at the end of a pay per view. It's been like that ever since Backlash, continuing through these past few months.

When I think about it, it's amazing to see how far our friendship has come, also how far Randy has come in his career. Within a few months he went to being the Intercontinental Champion back in December and to hold that until July, then to go on weeks later to win the World Heavyweight Championship at SummerSlam. I was proud of him.

"Have I ever told you how proud I am of you?", I questioned.

Randy's gaze went back to me, giving an intruiging look he leaned forward. "How so?".

"Well just with how fast your career has took off, Mr Heavyweight Champion, I remember when you had you IC title.", I smiled.

"It is crazy how fast everything has happened, sometimes I just sit there and try to let it soak in, and it still really hasn't.", Randy sighed. "But I have people who believe in me, and they're pushing me to continue to try and be great."

"You're doing an amazing job so far champ.", I nodded.

"Thanks. Means alot Melody, honestly.", he smiled as he took my hand inbetween his.

Here he goes again with the affection, and here I go again over thinking it all. It's just hand holding Melody, calm your shit.

But this type of hand holding isn't friend-ish! Can you blame me for not over thinking? I mean this is Randy Orton, who knows what's running through that clouded mind of his.

Randy noticed the perplexed look on my face. "What's wrong?".

Do I say? I mean he is asking, so may aswell tell him what's been running through my mind for weeks, right?

"What is this?", I questioned.

"What's what?"

"Us?", I looked at our hands and then at his face.

"Us.", Randy took a breath. "We are whatever you want to make it out to be."

"What do you want it to be?", I asked. "Cause I've been kind of confused."

Randy looked at me as if to explain what I meant.

"Weeks ago you just kissed me out of the blue without any reason, and continued. Then you had me undress you to the point where if I hadn't stopped we would have slept with eachother."

"Was that when I was drunk?", Randy asked to which I nodded, answering him. He sighed, looking around the restaurant before looking back at me, as if he was trying to gather the words to say.

"I know things have been, odd between us. You may have felt I was leading you onto nothing and I apologise, that wasn't my intentions. I really like you Melody, but I just didn't know how to say it so I thought I'd let my actions say it all."

I sat there listening intently.

"However that has seemed to backfire alittle, but my feelings for you Mel are just..I don't even know how to explain what you do to me. You ignite this fire inside me and it just doesn't die down. When I go out there every Monday I always look forward to finding you after and you telling me what you thought. Ever since Backlash these feelings have just been eating at me, I wanted to hold you, hug you and kiss you but I was too much of a coward to say anything and I just didn't know how you would react if I did anything, so I laid off for awhile. That's when that Monday I couldn't stop myself, so I just let it happen.", he explained.

"Why didn't you say anything?", I asked softly.

"I don't know.", Randy shrugged. "Scared maybe."

"Randy Orton? Scared?", I snorted.

"I do have feelings and emotions Melody.", he responded causing me to laugh.

"So how do we resolve this?", I asked, referring to what he had just told me.

Who knew Randall could pour his heart out and lay his cards out on the table like that. Definately didn't expect that over my pasta dish tonight.

"Well, I have one solution..", Randy started, a smirk slowly appearing on his face.

"And what would that be?"

Do I really have to ask? That smirk he's giving me says it all.


So. There we have it. Randy saying his feelings. Cute. It's all sunshine and rainbows from here guys! Or is it? Hmm.

Love of a Legend Killer (Randy Orton/OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora