Chapter 19: I Don't Respond to Demands

Start from the beginning

"Who's this cutie?"

I turn and see Kennett smiling at me. I glance at Lorenzo and see a look of fury and something else on his face. I smirk and look back at Kennett who still hasn't figured out who I am. I approach him and run my hand along his arm. Time to play and see how I can embarrass the jerk.

"Hi, I'm Jyli. I'm new here. Maybe you can show me around?" I ask flirtatiously, winking at him.

Kennett smirks at me and I glance back at Lorenzo, whose jaw is clenched as he watches the entire exchange.

"Sure, anything for a pretty lady," Kennett replies.

He offers his hand and I say, "Okay, tell me when you find Jyli. I sure don't know one."

He looks confused until I tell him my name. Embarrassed, he walks off.

I walk back to Lorenzo's side and see him still tense.

"Don't clench your jaw too tight, you could grind your teeth and ruin your perfect smile," I tease.

He doesn't take the bait and talk back.

"What was that?" He asks rather forcefully.

"What I can't fake-flirt with him? Anyways, it'll get him off my back."

"He's been flirting with you?"

"Hey, there's no harm done. Well, except his dignity," I chuckle. "Why are you so mad? Are you jealous?"

I look at him curiously.

"N-no, I'm just angry he tried to flirt with you," he stammers, all anger gone.

"Why? Because I'm not good enough for someone to flirt with me?" I ask, now offended and tense.

It seems his anger transferred to me.

"No, it's just I know guys like him. He'll use you then leave you when he's done," Lorenzo backtracks.

"I'll have you know I can take care of myself. You've witnessed that firsthand," I spit at him.

"I know, but I'm your best friend. I'll still worry even when I know you have it handled."

He hugs me and I relax.

"Sorry," he mumbles.

"Nothing to be sorry for," I mumble back.


"I see you two made up quickly."

I hear a voice snarl behind me. Brittany. I assume she's talking about yesterday when Lorenzo ditched me.

I whirl around and say, "Yeah, that's what typically happens when you're best friends with someone. You forgive them, no matter how much of a jerk they are and they always know that you're here for them."

I look at Lorenzo and his eyes flash with something I can't put my finger on. We walk away, leaving Brittany with her big mouth hanging open.

"What's her deal? Like with you and everyone else?"

"Her dad's the mayor of Yalsfen and she thinks that gives her the right to parade around acting like she owns the place. Her dad is nothing like her, he's super nice and generous. I think she gets it from her mom. She's thinks she owns the town and is always trying to modernize it. She acts like she's from upstate New York and is just here to fix up this place. Like it needs fixing," I explain, rolling my eyes at the end.

"What's her deal with you? She seems to hate you more than everyone else."

"Wow, thanks. I never liked her before. She dated my brother before the accident. I knew she was rude, but Kol  turned a blind eye to it. She thinks I was trying to sabotage her relationship with Kol. Brietta and my parents knew how Brittany was, but didn't do anything to stop it. I cared for him and I didn't want him to get hurt. I guess that's big sister kicking in. The relationship eventually ended because she was cheating on him. With Kennett actually. I found out before him because the gossip vine here is super effective. The way the relationship ended crushed Kol. Brittany always tried to get him back, but I was always there to help him out. She has this vendetta against me because she thinks I stopped him from getting back together with him."

By the time I finish, we're at Spanish class. I stop talking as we go in because we're one of the later ones and I don't need anyone knowing my business.


Pictured: the outfit Linnea wore to school

How do you like Kennett? Hate him? I know I do.

Remember: constructive criticism is always appreciated!

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