I frown as I stopped crying, I was about to say something when I realised that his hand was still over my mouth, he also realised it but before he realised his hand "Before I move this promise me that you won't try and leave or scream out. Ok?" he asked. I nodded my head because I was interested in why he knew about my child hood friend "How do you know about Ly-Ly?" I whispered as he sighed "Because Sarah I am Ly-Ly I was there when those kids picked on you and healed you. I was there when you would cry at night and I would come into your room and read you stories and hugged you" tears came rushing down my face.

I suddenly had memories come rushing to me with Ly-Ly's face. He really was telling me the truth "It really is you?" I asked but it came out as more of a question "Yes, you remember" he said happily with excitement in his eyes. I was in to much of a shock to hug him back "W-why are you hear Ly-ly?" I asked "I have been searching for you for ages, Harry took you from me so I am taking you back to where you should be" he stated, Wait what?. "But Harry's my mate why are you saying that he took me?" I was now officially confused "Because YOU are MY mate not Harry's he took you from me and made you believe that you were 'his'" he said upset. "I'm sorry but I can't believe you, when I'm with him I feel happy and I get a spark when I touch him and I'm sorry because it's hard to believe you on this" I truly felt sorry for him thinking that I was his mate even though I was in a rough patch in Harrys and my relationship at the moment doesn't mean that I run off with someone who claims to be my mate.

A tear ran down his face "Please Sarah, Harry has a second ability that he hasn't told you about and that is the ability to make you feel something like make you love him, have that spark please believe me. I can't lose you. He found you before I could so he could make a connection then make you his. It is his revenge" while he was saying this some part of me started believing him. "Please give me one chance, come with me for a short while and let me prove to you that he has been lying to you form day one" he pleaded.

My hands started to sweat due to the fact that I have been given this decision that could and might have already changed my life. Half of me wanted to go with him the other part of me was saying don't listen to that it will be the wrong decision. My hands got so sweaty that my ring that had been handed down the family was slipping off and fell to the floor but I hardly noticed because his eyes captivated me. "I don't know, Part of me is saying yes the other is saying no" I said telling him the truth.

He nodded in agreement still pleading with me, then suddenly I found myself nodding "Ok I'll go with you" I said confusing myself due o the fact that I had no idea why I said that. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go with him or not everything was so confusing "Thank-you, thank-you so much and just so you know my real name is Lyle but when you were younger you couldn't say that so you came up with 'Ly-Ly' and it stuck" just as he said that I felt some sort of explosion in the back of my head as darkness consumed me pulling me into the darkness, just before I hit the floor I felt a pair of arms wrap around me before I hit the tile and someone whispering in my ear "You won't regret this love" he said kissing my forehead as I fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

Harrys POV

After my spat Liam came back and helped me calm down but some part of me broke inside at the thought of me hurting Sarah and her hating me. Tia came out after asking us if we could order some pizzas, junk food and movies for her and Sarah which the others agreed to. Tia walked into my room and started going through some draws "Um what are you doing?" I asked from the door way making her jump "I was getting some clothes for Sarah to wear tonight do you know where she keeps her stuff?" she asked crossing her arms. I walked over and opened up 2 draws where Sarah kept her underwear and her PJ's. Tia gave me a small thankyou in return. I walked over and sat on th edge of the bed How badly did I screw up?" I asked.

I had to hear it from her "Big time Harry, what the hell came over you to say hat she was your, she is not a object she is a living person Harry and she doesn't want to talk to you and I'm not sure when she will be ready and you have got to prove it to her but before that you have to prove it to me first" she said angrily I nodded as she left the room. I brock down in tears. How will I make it up to Sarah maybe I should have asked her out when she first woke up but she wanted to take things slow and I had to accept that. I walked into the bathroom and  had a shower as I got out and got changed into some PJ shorts and white top.

I walked out into the dining room to see everyone beside Louis, Tia and Sarah thee sitting down and eating there pizza. I sat down in my spot where my pizza was there waiting for me, Nial tried talking to me but I wasn't in a talking mood "Harry everything will get better jus have tonight for both of you to calm down and get a handle on things" Zayn said from across the table "Thanks, have you decided on what your going to do with your mate?" I asked because I heard small part of what they were saying and I and when Sarah and I were having our fight Zayn talked to Nial about what the future would look like "Well I'm still deciding but I am heading towards having her stay with us" he said playing with his pizza. I knew that he was in a tough situation because I had to make that decision "Well I'm glad your not rushing in to anything so take your time just don't be constantly around her so it gives you more of a chance" I said.

I really was looking out for him, I put the left overs in the fridge and walked into my room and got into bed. I missed Sarah's presence in the bed. I grabbed her pillow that she sleeps on and hugged it close to my face. Just as I fell asleep I felt a pain in my chest telling me that something was wrong. I raced out of my room and into Zayn's because he was the one who has all the keys to the inside of the pace "Harry what the hell are you doing in my room?" he complained rubbing his eyes "I need the keys to Louis's room" I said panicking, he raced into action just hearing the anxiety in my voice.

He handed then to me as I raced out and unlocked Louis's door and raced inside there making the door making it hit the wall with a thud waking up Tia and Louis with a scare "Harry why did you race in here?" Tia said almost coping Zayn's movement I raced into the bathroom and saw her ring on the floor but no Sarah. I bend down and picked it up "Where is Sarah?" I asked "I have no idea where she is I thought she was here. By now everyone was up an searching for Sarah. I broke down on the floor holding her ring in my hand. No one could find her, all that was going through my head 'Where are you Sarah, please just be ok' I thought as if hoping she would hear me.

Hey Muffins this was along one because I don't know when I will be updating next and thought you all deserved it. Please remember to vote, comment and follow also check out in the comments the link to my other story 'My Crazy Boys' which you have to check ou.

Xoxo- Sarah

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