Chapter 2

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Chapter 2- Edited.

"Detention is about to start in 5 minutes, so if your friends aren't here tell them to get their ass into gear" said Mrs Smith as she eyed the class with a frown, just as David and I walk into the classroom. Mrs Smith frowned at us trying to act tough, this always made her seem older and not in a good way. David sat in the seat beside the window seat knowing I loved looking out the window, he knew me so well. I sat down and grabbed a book and pen out of my bag.

Detention here you are required to write out the dictionary and if /when you were finished that you moved onto the Encyclopedia and Thesaurus etc... It was hell, no music, no phone or computers aka no electronics. When detention started the room fell into some category of silence, as I wrote down all the B words subconsciously, I was thinking about that note and how it had changed in a blink of an eye. About 10 to 20 minutes the ro0om had grown quiet. Everyone knew that if you behaved around Mrs Smith in detention she may let you go early.

Suddenly the door burst open, making everyone in the room including Mrs Smith jump out of their seats. A boy walked into the room, I'd seen him around the school. He had a head full of brown curly hair which was mostly hidden behind a brown/ green beanie, sparkling Emerald eyes (sorry that I didn't introduce him in the first chapter also the picture that I have of him just forget the bag he is holding) today he wore a dark blue top and long black jeans. He had slung a grey jacket over his board shoulders. He took off his red ray bands; the smirk on his face made Mrs Smith raises an eyebrow "Hey Mrs Smith, what's up?" She rolled her eyes clearly unimpressed "well for starters your 15 minutes late so sit down behind Sarah and start with the encyclopedia... and please don't disturb Sarah Harry, unlike you, she is a good student" his smirk widened only making me want to slap it off even more and made his way behind me.

The phone rang 30 minutes after the big entrance scene "Ok class I have to leave for an hour... but I'll be locking all the doors and windows" great just great I was stuck in a classroom with delinquents without a teacher. When Mrs Smith left the classroom and we heard the click of the lock the room burst into noise. "Why, why, why" I mumbled onto the desk. I lifted my head and sat on the table so I looked normal in the class "so David, when are you going to the club tomorrow night?" He turned his head toward me, knowing the hidden message what I meant was "Are you going to come with me to the club and look at cute guys".

Not everyone in the school besides the group knew about him being gay " well if someone as cute and beautiful like you were going I'd have no choice but to go" he smiled at me. In school, he pretended to be straight. He was even 'dating' one of the girls in the group as a cover-up because they were both gay and were dating so they wouldn't get bullied, suddenly I felt something warm but cold touch my back. I turned around to see the Harry Styles standing behind me grinning "so which club are you going to?" I stared blankly at him, why was he staring at me? Did I have something in my face like a red hand print from lying down?" Well, we were thinking about going out to Viper but since you appeared I think we decided not to go and stay in" Harry started laughing at David, did I miss something.

He turned toward me and tried to stop laughing "So what about you Sarah are you going out tomorrow night or has your plans also been cancelled?" I had to think of an answer quick before he realized that we were trying to get rid of him. Gosh he was cute why can't I find a NICE and CUTE guy, "well I don't think I'll be going out I have a lot of school work to catch up on" I said trying to keep my voice even and I was doing surprisingly well " well if you aren't doing anything there's a party in my dorm room if you want to come around you can bring your friends to. Hope you change your mind about going to the club" and walked over to the popular people "how did he guess, I thought we were quite convincing?" David shrugged.

Another teacher came into the room and found us all in our seats we decided just before the hour mark that we should sit our seats, the teacher gave us a stern look and dismissed the class and told us to stay in groups around the school.

We all filled out the room not wanting to complain by this time it was 4:45 pm. Dinners going to be served in about an hours' time. Harry walked out after David and I fled out, "Sarah, I hope to see you tomorrow night. Oh, and you to David" Harry jogged towards the gym area "oh thank you Harry, for the invitation" David made a face making me laugh. He smiled at me "So are you going to go?" David asks making me come back to reality" To what?" I answered back he gently hit his hand on his forehead " Are you going to go the 'princes' party?" I'm not sure, as much as I was flattered.

Was he being serious about me going, he has never come up to me let alone talk to me "No I'm not going to go, I honestly don't trust him. To I don't see why I should go" David agreed and decided that we should stay in any way and that we'd meet up over the holidays. He headed toward the library saying that he had to get out a book for English, leaving me to walk back to the dorms by myself.

Walking back to my dorm at twilight was always beautiful. Everything was so quiet. Although the school its self-was quit big it didn't have as many students as many would think for a Holmes Chappel boarding school, we had roughly over 500 students and about 100 students per year level. I couldn't wait for the day when I can walk out of those gates and never return. I tried to keep my mind off of Harry because he kept popping in my head reminding me of his invitation; I shook the thought out of my head.

Ever since he moved into the school he has made every girl around him swoon, they also went crazy for his 4 friends, besides me and Tia. He always reminded me of a guy I knew when I was 5 from a distance, when I was at the park with my brother he would be across the road sitting at the bus stop, always wearing the same type of clothing. He usually wore a dark business like jacket, white t-shirt and dark jeans, and hard darkish brown hair. One time I was in the shops with my mum and Nan he was there shopping in the same aisle as us. At night after my parents said goodnight and tucked me into bed and turned out the light I would hop out of bed and run to the window that faced the street, I would look over to the park which was 2 houses down he would be there looking at my house I would wave at him and he would wave back, this always made me smile.

One day at the park I was on the ground playing with some dolls and for the first time ever he walked right past me I kept staring at him until he was at the end of the street by the time he disappeared I realised that he had dropped a gold necklace that had a small heart with a rose impression on it, since then I had worn it almost every day, that was the last time I saw my first best friend. The only reason I thought of that memory was because Harry reminds me of him because he was always around like now when I looked towards the gym where he was coming out with his 4 friends.

I looked at all them quickly. Walking beside Harry was Louis Tomlinson. He had light brown hair that was cut just below his ears; he had blue eyes that anyone would find gorgeous. He had a well-built body and wore a white t-shirt with blue stripes, dark red pants and white vans. The guy behind Louis had blonde hair, shorter than Louis but not by much he also had blue eyes and like all the guys in the group he also had a well-built body was Niall Horan, he was wearing a white top and a grey jacket and dark jeans and grey shoes.

Beside Niall was Liam Payne, he had a bit darker shade of hair than Louis and the same length of hair as Niall. He wore a grey shirt and black genes and red shoes. Zayn was behind all of them, he had black hair with a quaff, it had a blonde streak through the front of his hair. He had dark brown eyes and wore a dark blue shirt on and a dark denim jacket and jeans. Harry was laughing with them. Although I didn't want to admit it Harry was hot, like extremely hot. Although I knew he would never date me or even want to talk to me, especially when there were other girls around the school that were a lot prettier but they were known as the sluts of the school.

I shook my head realizing that I had been staring at them for a good minute or two. I just got to the Dorm room gates I ran into my brother's girlfriend Jamie "Hey Jamie are you ok, what are you doing out here?" I said trying to hold her up "she's dead, she's dead" that's all she kept saying, I was in shock who was dead " w-who d-dead?" I finally asked hoping it wasn't anyone I was close with "I-its Jess, she was murdered" I froze, my friend had been murdered. I placed Jamie on the bench and ran up the stairs to my 2nd story dorm. Jess was my friend since the 6th grade. She was always caring and friendly and funny person how could someone kill her?

Hey, Muffins this one was really long because it was actually 2 chapters in one. So remember to comment and follow because I love hearing your feedback well just the good ones that is :p

xoxo- Sarah

Bad Blood (H.S- VAMP FAN- COMPLETED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें