Not Part Of The In Crowd

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At school it is painfully obvious where I belong; nowhere.  I am too clumsy to be a sport freak;  too loud to be a book worm;  to social to be an outcast;  too weird to be popular, normal, or sane;  to friendly and cheerful to be goth.  I've never played an instrument so that eliminates band and I'm far to self-conscious to even think about choir or chorus.

So, all in all, I don't exactly fit in.  In fact, I stand out like a sore thumb.   

I pretend that I am okay with being teased and thought of as insane, and sometimes I realy am okay with it.  But other times people take it too far and I end up getting hurt.  There are thingsthat you just should NOT make fun of some one for/about.  Things like health,money, looks, and sexuality.  I have to put up with teasing a lot and have gotten quite good at it.

Life is a game of cards.  You have no control over the hand you are delt.  What you do control is how you choose to play that hand.  Whether it be in your favour or not is up to you.

Have you ever stepped into a room and felt like everyone was staring at you?  Not in a wow they look good way, but in a what are you thinking kind of way?  Not fun is it?

But that's life I guess.

To fit in can mean a lot of things.  But not fitting in only means one thing.  They don't know what to think or do about you.  So sure it might be good to stand out, but when you're a self-conscious klutz, the last thing you want is the spotlight.

I am not part the IN crowd but I am happy that i'm not.  It means that they are blind to seeing the real me, and that means I'm safe for another day.

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