Too bad its gone...

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In Memory Of Anyone who has everlost anyone or anything so precious to them that they will never forget! 

R.I.P Grandma + Grandad! Miss you everyday in every way! <3 Thinking of you always! And Me and the Family are looking after some of your favourite things for you so there never lost! Miss You! x

I cried for hours, a never ending stream of tears and heartache. My stomach twisted uneasily at the thought of never seeing it again. My fathers strong, solid, reassuring hand gently squeezed my shoulder- never really was one for comforting someone. All the same he would never truly understand anyway.

Every time i tried to calm down the constant throbbing of my heart was all it took to send me over the edge again, far over leaving me drowning in my own pit of despair with no one to blame but myself, the emptiness of my heart a constant reminder of what i have lost. The ache being my punishment that I grabbed with both hands, I didn't deserve anything less for what I had done!

Over dramatic you might say? Nit if it happened to you , not if you felt the same way about something so special and unreplaceable being torn right from your sight. Never to be seen again.

Strange... How we always take things for granted and never realise how special it actually is until its torn right from underneath you. Now I'll never make that mistake again. 

I slowly uncurled from my ball, muscles stiff from being in the same place too long. I reached for the small box of tissues on the far edge of the table, welcoming the soft cloud of heaven to hug my nose. Another for my eyes.

"Are you alright now dear?" Mother cooed to me stroking my lank chocolate brown curls.

I looked deep into her golden honey suckle eyes and nodded in defeat. Crying wasn't solving anything. It won't bring it back. I just have to pull myself together and smile for everyone.

I nodded slowly and stood up, preparing myself for a world without it. Realising that the pain will never go away, we just work our lives around the pain. We hold on to the good memories we were luckily enough to be blessed with. Think of these memories and everything will be OK because you never know when something might disappear.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2012 ⏰

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