Chapter two

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" now everytime I play this song she say this is my shit"

Mallory's P.O.V

" Ight guys I'm warning you now my step sisters a bitch and is annoying af blasting her ghetto ass music through the house" I said telling everyone as we approach my house.

It's been 2 weeks since my step sister moved in with her mother and I hate it. Don't get me wrong her moms a beautiful kind hearted women buh her daughters a bitch.

"She scares me bro" Leah said.

" Yeo I'm dead Leah probably gets bitched by mallory's step sister " Nate said laughing.

" As long as she's valid I really don't care" Sammy said putting his phone in his back pocket.

"Meet me in the basement unless she's there and you wanna go to the back" Mallory says unlocking the door.

As we all walk in the house as I predicted she's playing loud music that curses way too much.

" I got shit I never had now I can brag now got my bitch a Louis bag now she can brag now" I hear the surround sound from down stairs play .

" Ight I'm going downstairs to see who this chick is. Listening to some good ass music is"' Jack
G says.

"I'm going with him because I don't trust her" Leah says rolling her eyes

Brooklyn's P.O.V

" Now every time I play this song she say this is my shit. My shit. See
The flick on my wrist" I sing while recording myself on snapchat

I hear voices upstairs and footsteps so as soon as my shit by Aboogie finishes and I'm not a regular person by aboogie starts playing I start going upstairs.

" I'm going with him because I don't trust her" I hear Leah say.

" ain't nobody want your boyfriend dumb hoe" I speak out loud .

4 male heads turn around with Leah and Mallory.

I jump up and sit on the counter still making eye contact with Leah.

" I wasn't talking about you" Leah said.

"Yea ya were one of these four said they wanted to go downstairs and meet whoever was playing good music " I tell her.

"Well uh " Leah stammers.

" stop talking about me in my own house before I rock your shit" I says.
Leah nods and Mallory shakes her head.

"Anyway wassgood I'm Brooklyn" I go to dab the boys buh they all look star struck.

" Your Brooklyn Santos" Jack j says with his mouth open

" and your Jack and Jack. And you too are the hot Boys I was
Asking Mallory about " I laugh.

" let's go to the basement guys" Mallory pulls them away from our conversation that was just starting.

"Dickhead I'm gonna go down there too" I tell her while they walk down the steps.

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