Just Another Girl ... [Dani]

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Hey y'll I'm Danielle but you can call me Dani :D

So I'm just gonna be honest with y'll, I've lied, I've made mistakes and I'm not the best person in the world. I'm a little conceited and love who I am because God made me like that and I need to appreciate the life he gave me. I'm called a slut, whore, bitch and many other rude things on a daily basis but I know it's not true and others opinions doesn't define me who I am. You can call me fake because I'm pretty, you can call me a slut because I'm skinny, you can call stuck up because I'm rich but guess what? I don't give a fuck. When you try to drown me out and if I react negatively, you're winning, you're getting what you wanted. If I don't react negatively than guess what, eventually you'll stop. I'm not as dumb as people think I am.

Okay, here are some of my major pet peaves/rants.

Being Rich:

Yes I'm rich but who are you to judge? My parents worked hard for what they wanted and it came out as a positive result. Just because your not as rich as me doesn't mean you have to judge me and people think that because I'm rich I'm "stuck up" um excuse you, that's not true. I am not stuck up what so ever, I'm rich because I was born to wealthy parents and no, I do not get everything I want when I want it. Please stop with all those negative thoughts because I'm not stuck up, I don't get everything I want and I'm only rich because  my parents had a good education and got a good job.

Being Pretty:

Yes I'm pretty and yes I think I'm pretty but does that make me cocky? No it makes me proud that God created me and by saying I'm ugly, I'd be telling God he didn't do good enough. I can't help that I'm pretty, I guess you can blame my parents because if I'm not mistaking there's this thing called DNA, genes etc. And you get some DNA from your mom, some from your dad and I guess my mom and dad were decent looking people so they made me pretty, I don't even wear make up and rarely do things to my hair, I also eat healthy and stay in shape from riding, dance and cheer. So it's not my fault I'm pretty, you can't judge me. Only God can judge me, thank you.

My Style:

I have my own life and style, I'm not tryna please you or make you smile. I wear bikinis and I'm automatically a slut? That makes total sense guys! I wear bikinis because I like my body and I think their cute. I wear nice clothes because I earn the money from my job (I work at Forever 21) to buy nice clothes. I think you guys are just jealous of what I work for. I don't dress like a slut and fyi, having my belly button pierced, that's normal for my age. If you guys don't like it then oh well.


"All rich and pretty girls have great lives!" Wow, that's the most stupid thing I've ever heard. You want to know about my life? My brother is a pothead, my mom is depressed and my dad was murdered and I've been raped. What a perfect life, right? Being Pretty can have some downers to it because guys constantly want you and you know what guys want when they get older? Your boobs, butt and want you for sex. They will sweet you up at first and then there it comes, they want you for sex. Which honestly what's so great about getting naked and someone on top of you like gross, doesn't it hurt? It's called a private part for a reason, guys. Anyways yeah, not all pretty rich girls have great lives.

Well, guys that's all for now and your welcome to judge me but make sure your perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2013 ⏰

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