Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Harry's p.o.v.

For some reason everything I thought we had, has just collapsed. My whole world just stopped and I had know idea how to keep it spinning.

I brought my eyes to face Louis.

"Do you promise?" I ask

"Promise what?"

"To never let her get in the way of anything."

"I promise" he whispers.

Louis' p.o.v.

When Harry promises something he always keeps it but be I can tend to break promises, but I know I will try to keep this one.

Harry's p.o.v.

I drove home after. When I arrived I called Niall and sobbed into the phone. Within minutes I heard the doorbell ring. It was Niall. I told him what Louis told me. There was a long pause after. I broke the silence with, "Niall what's going to happen to me and Louis?"

"I don't know" he replies.

I cry as he pulls me into a hug.

"And do you know the sad part? All I wanted was to sing."

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